Chapter 29 Robots

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Under the strong request of the big penguin, the little snake man's pajamas tonight are the penguin plush clothes that were turned over from the innermost part of the closet.

As the little snake man leaned over slightly, the loose pajamas bulged a chubby white belly in front of the little snake man. The place where the tail and abdomen touch the ground is just closed, and at the corner of the clothes, two big feet with the character "eight" stepping on the ground can be seen.

The black tuxedo behind him was clinging to his body. Because he didn't wear a hat, the penguin's head, which was dotted with a tender yellow mouth, was hanging down behind his back. Because of the little snake man's probing action, a trace appeared between the little snake man's neck and soft white hair, trying to tell the buyer about the unfair treatment he suffered.

Anyway, very cute.

Ye Ze was very satisfied with the way he chose clothes.

Completely ignoring the "miserable situation" of the penguin pajamas, he walked to the little snake man. However, he just kept the distance that he would not see the little snake man behind him, showing an expectant expression, "What gift did Nuonuo prepare for me? Can I see it now?"

"Yes, yes. Ye Ye, wait. "The little snake man nodded. He closed the door, turned around, and carefully picked up the small red-brown wooden box. With his arm against the door, he pushed the door and entered the room.

The handmade box made of sandalwood was officially displayed in front of Ye Ze. The size can almost block most of the little snake man's face, just revealing a pair of anxious golden eyes.

The left, right and upper sides of the box are engraved with fine scenery patterns on three sides. The beautiful sets were all taken from places they had walked before.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that in these three places, he has felt that the environment is good with Little Snake Man.

The production in the front is a test of craftsmanship, which is a three-dimensional hollow carving.

Ye Ze couldn't help but smile when he saw it for the first time.

It was the remodeled cave after he decided to live with the little snake man.

Two little people, two little yellow geese, and a marmot.

Beds, tables and chairs, and even small snacks in a half-open cupboard.

All of them were vividly recorded by the clever hands of the little snake man.

"These are all for Ye Ze. I don't know if Ye Ze likes it or not..." The little snake man's tail was curled up in embarrassment, and he lowered his head and did not dare to look at Ye Ze's expression.

"I like it very much." Ye Ze stared at the two little people sitting on the rattan chairs in the cave carving, talking and basking in the sun, with soft eyes, "There is no better gift than this."

The little snake man who has been recognized Laughing and rolling his eyes. The actions shown are all confident.

Ye Ye can always come up with a lot of good things that are beyond his knowledge.

He has always been worried that doing this himself would be too mediocre and cheap for Ye Zi.

It's great that the leaves can like it!

The wooden box is clearly not just a heart-filled art decoration.

As the little snake man said, he stretched out his hand and landed in front of him, hanging down on the vines falling at the entrance of the cave, trying to open the lid of the wooden box.

However, the size of the wooden box is too large for the little snake man. It's still completely impossible to shoot the little snake man with the tip of his tail in a hurry.

The little snake man with perfect hands-on ability rarely showed a clumsy and naive attitude, which made Ye Ze's smile deepen.

After watching the little snake man anxiously for a long time, he finally showed mercy and reached out to take the box, "I'll take it, Nuonuo will open it."

The little snake man is like a pardon. He let out a long sigh of relief and showed a grateful expression to the considerate orc, "Thank you Ye Zi." Ye Ye is so wonderful!

Silly cute.

Ye Ze almost laughed and hummed.

The tossing man's big wooden box was opened.

The first thing you notice is the smooth, thick fur.

Like the sandalwood that makes up the wooden box, it is an expensive "magic" product.

The fur taken from the high-level fire-type beasts is extremely warm and protective in itself. Coupled with the blessings of the priests in the great city, a very high-quality manufacturing material has been achieved.

After the little snake man took a fancy to it, he exchanged the goods in the small private warehouse from the team leader.

Now it has turned into a majestic animal skin cloak and was sent to Ye Ze.

Ye Ze looked at it in the same way, and then he reacted with hindsight: All the products that the little snake man chose that day were all bought for him.

"Why don't you buy yourself something?"

"Me?" The little snake man tilted his head, his big eyes filled with doubts. Then he straightened his chest and answered as a matter of course, "I've had enough. I don't have anything to buy."

"..." Ye Ze touched the little snake man's head, his heart softened, "Nuo Nuo, I will need more in the future. Just think about yourself."

"Mmmm." The snake man nodded hastily, and put the animal skin coat on Ye Ze. Most of them are the same as before, well-behaved, sensible and serious, but the left ear is more than the right ear.

Ye Ze was angry and funny, but obediently let the little snake man play around with him.

The little snake man happily surrounded him, turning in circles to observe the effect of his upper body. The tip of the tail swung back and forth, very pleased.

In this case, no one would dare to bully Ye Zi even if he was out of the house!

——The clothes Ye Ze bought from the mall are naturally very good. However, none of these styles has become popular in the wild world, and it is easy to be mistaken for weakness.

They are now traveling all over the world.

Don't let the leaves be looked down on because of this!

Ye Ze stood on the spot and let the little snake man look at it. I also deliberately changed a few poss, quite a posture of eagerly using the peacock to open the screen to attract attention after the cycads bloom.

However, Ye Ze would never admit it.

"Nuo Nuo has given me so many gifts, and I also have a gift in return." Ye Ze raised his hand and wrapped the little snake man into his arms, euphemistically, feeling the thickness and warmth of the big cloak together. He lowered his head and deliberately whispered into the little snake man's neck.

Looking at the little snake man's red earlobes, he couldn't help but let out a low smile.

Just when the little snake man was surrounded by his breath, and his whole body was about to get hot to the point of downtime, Ye Ze finally realized his conscience, let go of his hand, and sent the little snake man back to the room, "Have a good rest, I will see you tomorrow. I'm pleasantly surprised."

Ye Ze took the opportunity to kiss the little Snake Man on the forehead, "Good night kiss."

"! The

Snake Snake Steamed Bun has completely crashed.

... Mmm. Obviously, I won't be able to sleep anymore!

The Snake Man is in four Under the strange gaze of the animal, he buried himself in the quilt even tighter. The

little snake man was shy and looked forward to a surprise all night, a robot in humanoid form.

Ye Ze worked very hard for this.

It is absolutely impossible for him to customize a young male robot and place it beside the little snake man day and night.

However, the old grandmother was worried about causing the little snake people to recall their feelings for Kang Lan; there was something wrong with the old grandpa; it was even more impossible for young women, the female form of this world.

Vinegar was tangled to the end, so he simply ordered a humanoid robot that looked like an artificial creation.

Chubby is like Dabai, not scary, but quite cute. As soon as the specially made soft body slams into it, it makes people feel so comfortable that they don't want to get up.

Either way, he's an excellent playmate.

Big Penguin, who felt offended by his image, expressed his dismay.

But the little snake man likes it, and it can't do anything about it. You can only squat in the corner with the groundhog to autistic.

Competitors. One more!

In addition to its attractive appearance, Dabai's smart chips are also expensive.

It comes with all the ingredients of the plane, and has been entered into the essence of plane cooking teaching as many as three million.

It also includes more than 34 million kinds of special dishes in a total of more than 50,000 planes, including dishes, home cooking, snacks, desserts, etc. Various types and all aspects of content.

It is definitely a must-have at home, omniscient and omnipotent, and a good partner for research and cooking.

Since getting to know Da Bai, the little snake man can follow Da Bai and stay in the kitchen for a whole day without coming out.

—— Ye Ze, who found that he was completely "ignored", felt that he had miscalculated.

But the little animals who can eat super delicious, non-repetitive snacks every day say it's perfect.

They are very happy to be able to follow the little snake people as little tails every day. It doesn't make much difference to them whether the snake people are busy or not.

In particular, it can isolate a certain foreign dangerous population, which is amazing!

The groundhog and the big penguin released their suspicions for a second and clapped their hands in triumph.

Ye Ze who was targeted: "..." I see that you all really want to be swept out of the house.

"Ye Zi, be careful when you go out today!"

"I see, I'll be back for dinner on time." Ye Ze looked at the little snake man on the deck waving to him, and smiled back with his daily travel greetings, "I will return home later. Contact Nuonuo. Be obedient at home, don't worry."

Since the water spirit Penguin found the little snake man, he was surrounded by the happiness overflowing from the little snake man every day. The persistent irritability was well appeased, and the rushing floods in the outside world began to subside a few days earlier. Up to now, the river surface has been peaceful and returned to its normal state.

Where the water source is stable, the surrounding monsters gradually become numerous and active. From time to time, there are high-level monsters that are rarely seen in the past.

The number of Ye Ze's going out has increased significantly, and he can return with a full reward every time.

Most of them were put into the local shops for sale, and a large number of goods made Ye Ze's new shop famous.

Recently, Ye Ze has planned to reopen the official store.

Materials that are in demand naturally have to be kept for yourself.

The freshest and most delicious parts of all the prey will not be spared. They will be used as ingredients and will be handed over to the little snake people to study and practice.

The little snake people's craftsmanship never disappoints them. Even the new dishes to try have different flavors.

As a result, after just walking and stopping for a while, Ye Ze's points have not yet ushered in a big explosion, and the weight of a few small animals in the family has increased.

"Nuo Nuo, you see they're all getting fat, why don't you grow any flesh?" Ye Ze looked at the little snake man's figure seriously, and couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

Obviously when he first came, he raised the little snake man a lot. How come the conditions are better now, but the little snake man doesn't grow any more flesh.

The little snake man was so angry that his cheeks were bulging, and he protested seriously, "I'm already fat! I can't grow any longer!"




That's it. Where are they fat, at most they can only be called plump! Plump is the most beautiful, you know!

Ye Ze's words were completely opposed by his family. There was a moment of speechlessness.

Fortunately, another approaching river bank saved him from continuing to be condemned by a few small eyes.


"Huh?" The eyes of the battle group were all condensed. Looking at the place where the loud noise came out, everyone thought.

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