Chapter 22 The Big White Goose

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There are two people and one mouse, none of them belong to goose, but they are surrounded by two goose eggs, more or less nervous, like a novice father circling outside the delivery room.

In the warm incubator, the cracked white eggs moved again.

The little snake man held his breath and stared at the small hole that was broken above the white egg without blinking. From there, a yellow goose slowly emerged.

The goslings were all wet. Lying in the eggshell, fluttering softly. The flat beak instinctively opens and makes a tender "quack" sound. Remind parents that they were born.

"Well... so ugly." Ye Ze was always picky about things other than Little Snake People. Immediately pouted, disgusted.

"Squeak!" The groundhog raised his four feet in agreement!

The little snake man glared at them both fiercely. Then actively prepare for the daily life of the cub.

"I think about it, the introduction says, first we have to wait for the goose to adapt to the environment." The little snake man carefully picked up the two goslings and moved them to the soft nest that had been prepared earlier, "Goose and goose opened their eyes. Afterwards, the person who sees it for the first time will automatically cultivate a close relationship, at most two... Ye, come quickly! Goose and goose will open their eyes soon!" The

little snake man looked at the little goose with bright eyes, and waved behind him.

Ye Ze doesn't care about the so-called "intimacy", anyway, he doesn't rely on these beast pets to fight. However, seeing the expectant expression of the little snake man, he still stood up obediently.

The herd goose cubs, which are defined as combat power, have extremely strong vitality.

He soon got out of the fragile period of his birth, and opened his two black round eyes. He tilted his head and looked at the two faces in front of him.

"Quack~quack~." The gosling fluttered its two short meaty wings. He stretched his neck and shouted cheerfully at the little snake man.

After being dried with egg wash, the warm yellow fluff is fluffy and soft. Those small, velvety balls of hair made the little snake man feel relieved all of a sudden.

"Eggshells are prepared for you. Don't worry, eat slowly." The little snake man put the eggshells into a small plate and placed them on the table.

Without waiting for the little snake man to say hello, the two goslings immediately jumped out of the nest covered with velvet, with flexible and light movements. Precisely position your plate and peck with your mouth.

The little snake people looked at their vitality, their tails slid. The fluffy hair on the top of his head suddenly sprang up, and he jumped up and down several times.

Ye Ze's eyes had already shifted from the goose seedlings to the little snake man, and he also smiled softly. The palm of the hand fell, pinching the active dull hair and rubbing it.

"Nuo Nuo, give the two little geese a name." The

little snake man seemed to like this activity.

After the groundhog was named and recognized, the tip of his round tail was raised higher than usual when he was happy. All day long unconsciously humming songs, even the surrounding air will become sweet.

Ye Ze enjoyed this state very much.

The groundhog's fluff stood on end, and the whole rat would be blown away by this proposal.

I always feel that I have a very bad premonition!

The little snake man blinked his eyes and thought for a while. The tail stopped the S-shaped slide, and the tip was raised and clapped. He pointed at the goose with a black tip on the right, "Your name is Xiao Yi." He pointed at the goose with a yellow mouth on the left, "Your name is Xiao Er.

" Putting his palms together, "We will live together in the future!"

The names of the two goose Miaomiao, who had no ability to protest, were thus decided.

Groundhog: "..."

It really is a familiar way of naming!

But what's going on with the strangely balanced mind?

The groundhog gray gray scratched his head with his claws, his eyes blank.

However, life has not spared innocent mice.

The little snake man who had placed the cub quickly remembered the sin of the groundhog, and poked the groundhog's forehead to teach him a lesson, "By the way, and you, Hui Hui. You can't bully your younger siblings in the future, you know?"

It's not bullying!

When it wanted to smuggle goose eggs, these two cubs had not yet been born! Not my brother and sister, no, not my brother and sister!

Groundhog firmly rejects his crime of bullying the weak. As a result, Zizhi protested for a long time, but looked up and found that after the little snake man had been educated, he had long forgotten its existence, and began to concentrate on playing with the little cubs again.

Cubs are biological.

And this rat was raised by the stepfather.

The groundhog squatted in the corner, exuding an air of resentment. Until the whole body is covered with mushrooms, there is still no one.

Instead, the rattling of the cubs behind him, and the giggling of the communicator, were more cheerful.

The groundhog stood up with a sullen face and rushed out of the cave, claws on the ground. After renovating the soil in the field, he ran back to the little snake man.

The essence of battle: If you can't beat your opponents, join them!

...Speaking of which, is it that the little cub is so well-behaved and cute?

Ye Ze watched the human comedy happening in the cave. He turned his head and laughed again.

But this time, not a single puffed-up groundhog glared at him.

The groundhog is a large groundhog. Definitely won't care too much with this single guy.

"Nuo Nuo," Ye Ze called the Snake Man's name softly with a smile in his eyes, "We've been busy for a long time, it's time for us to have dinner."

"Okay!" The Snake Man said nothing. Baby Goose put it back into the nest, patted her head, "My dear. Nuonuo is going to cook, come back and play with you again."

"Gah~!" The goose squatted into the nest sensible, side by side and intimate. By the way, he also pulled the groundhog who was standing beside him with his mouth, and moved it around to make room for it.

The breath of the world spirit is most favored by creatures. An afternoon passed, and the two goslings had already regarded it as their good friend.

Groundhog with a sore butt: "..."

Okay. It knows, it is now a goose. Maybe the family brother in the future can be a little higher.

The groundhog made a face and squeezed into the geese's nest.

It feels like it has more presence here.

in various senses.

"Ah! It turns out that Huihui likes Xiao Xiao Er so much?" The Snake Man was surprised to see Xiao Tai running into other people's nests, and patted the groundhog's head with relief, "Get along well. I'll give it to you tomorrow. You make a bigger nest, so that Huihui can live and play with Xiao Xiaoer. Are you happy?" go! [Groundhog screams]

The two goslings are growing very fast.

Within a few days of hatching, the down feathers have been slowly retreated. The size has gradually caught up with the groundhog, and when standing, it can reach the height of an adult's knees.

The two livestock geese look more like swans than domestic geese. The newly born white feathers are shiny and smooth, and when they spread their wings, they have already seen the beauty of the future for the first time.

But if you dare to underestimate them, you will definitely suffer a big loss.

Through Ye Ze's intentional training, the two livestock geese have at least the combat power of a third-level ability user, that is, the level of animal soldiers.

With sharp and sturdy teeth, wings as sharp as knives, and strong webbed feet, they are absolutely formidable warriors.

Near the remote Black Snake Tribe, he is fully capable of serving as the bodyguard of the little snake man.

In addition, a groundhog whose strength is still unknown, but apparently can easily control the land. Ye Ze can go out to farther places with confidence.

——The temperature of the weather dropped sharply in winter, not only many animals entered hibernation, and their whereabouts were rare; most of the plants also withered and withered, and there was nothing for the little snake people to collect.

Recently, Ye Ze went out alone. So be sure to do a good job of safety protection for the little snake people at home.

Even so, Ye Ze still consciously fixed the time out for half a day. Every day, I will rush back to the cave on time to accompany the little snake people to eat together. Like other orcs, it is completely impossible for them to spend the night in the wild because they are far away.

Gradually, the little snake man changed from being uneasy when he watched Ye Ze leave for the first time, to one who could work together with his three little tails in peace even if Ye Ze left. When Ye Ze returns, there will be a hot meal or a pot of warm tea.

Like peacetime, warm family life.

Ye Ze lowered his eyes, looked at the little snake man wrapped in a plush coat, and couldn't help smiling.

When he went out today, he found the traces of the caravan in the Lingshi monitoring system. Thinking that the little snake man has always been obsessed with the caravan, he came back early.

Surprises in everyday life.

Not only will it remove the shadows brought by the tribe and make the little snake people happy.

By this time, even he was looking forward to it.

The groundhog who followed the little snake man seemed to have a feeling and turned to look at him. After standing still for a few seconds, he fell back to the ground, used all four claws, and caught up with the little snake man who walked into the warehouse.

As the top power user, Ye Ze doesn't feel cold in winter. But he still held the warm teacup in his hand, drawing warmth from it tightly and lovingly.

It was like a beast that unloaded all its vigour, exposing its softest belly, waiting for the arrival of its tamer at any time.

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