Chapter 1 Part 2: The Main Suspect

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Y/N's POV:

Y/N: Um... I think... I think we should stay, but it wouldn't hurt to search for the mastermind behind this.

Angie: So that's your opinion, not too bad, but that might result on an accidental kill like Rantaro's.

Y/N: I-I guess. I was just curious of how they could bring me back.
Angie: That's a good point! Based on the Necronomicon I did everything right so why were you resurrected and not Rantaro.

Y/N: That's not exactly what I meant, but sure.
Angie: Well it doesn't matter how they did it, they brought you from the dead, so you should not waste that.

Monokuma then showed up.
Monokuma: Hello everyone!
Miu: Why are you here?!
Monokuma: I came to greet the new student. He wasn't supposed to come, but my little kubs made a mistake.

Y/N: Mistake?
Angie: Does that have to do with Rantaro not being resurrected?
Monokuma: That's right! My kubs made a mistake and resurrected him instead of Rantaro!

Monokuma then looked at me.
Monokuma: I feel bad for you Y/N getting resurrected in the middle of a killing game, everyone probably thinks you're the mastermind and just used the Necronomicon as an excuse to enter the killing game.
Everyone looked at me in shock then, expect Kokichi who was smiling.

Monokuma: Puhuhuhu! Everyone suspects you! By the way you can use Rantaro's dorm, if you can survive today that is.
He then disappeared.

Kokichi: You know guys, what Monokuma said makes complete sense. There's no way someone dead can come back. That must mean that Y/N is the mastermind!

Kiyo: Yeah. I can't believe the dead coming back either. I'm not 100% sure for Y/N, but I suspect him.
Miu: He's definitely the fucking mastermind!

Gonta: Gonta thinks we should trust friends.
Kokichi: Come on Gonta you just met him.
Gonta: But Gonta's still feels bad if Gonta suspects Y/N.
Keebo: I hate to say this, but I think Kokichi's right.

Tenko: Yeah! I think he's the mastermind! Only a degenerate like him can be the mastermind!
Himiko: I agree. Even I a mage can't resurrect someone.

Tsumugi: I don't know. He can and can't be. I don't really know anything about him.
Maki: I don't know if he's the actual mastermind, but he's at least an accomplice.

Shuichi: I don't really know.
Kaito: I think we can trust him! He seems innocent! There is no way he's the mastermind!
Kokichi: Kaito you're really an idiot. You can't just trust someone you just met.

Kaito: But because we just met him, we can't suspect him either! What proof do you have that he's the mastermind.
Kokichi: Well that the dead can't come back. You even said that when Angie told us she would do it.

Kaito: I... That's true, but still-!
Y/N: Thanks Kaito, but that's enough. I don't think you should try to protect me. They will just suspect you too. I'll leave now.
I said as I left.
Then I went in my dorm or Rantaro's dorm. I laid on the bed and started thinking.

Damn it! I just got resurrected in a killing game and everyone suspects that I'm the mastermind. Well not everyone. Gonta and Kaito don't, Shuichi still hasn't figured which side to join and Angie didn't say anything. I wonder why? Maybe because she wants everyone to not want to leave or make an accidental kill.

Angie's POV:

After Y/N left I was about to go to my lab when Kiyo called everyone.
Kiyo: Excuse me everyone.
We all looked at him.

Kiyo: I would like to hold a ritual, to talk to the dead.
Angie: Is that possible?
Kiyo: Yes. For that I need around four more people.
Shuichi: But why exactly do you want to talk to the dead? And to which one?

Kiyo: To Rantaro and ask him about the mastermind. He might have saw them before he died.
Shuichi: I see.

Kiyo: So who will participate.
Kokichi: I will! Maybe it will get things more interesting.
Shuichi: I'll join as well.
Kaito: Count me out.
Maki: I won't join either.

Gonta: Gonta wants to help, but Gonta not smart to do ritual.
Miu: I don't want to be part of any ritual.
Tenko: Me neither!
Himiko: I'm too tired for that.

Keebo: I won't join either.
Tsumugi: I-I don't want to either.
Angie: I'll join! It seems interesting!
Himiko: I'll join too then!
Tenko: Me too!

Korekiyo: That makes 6. That's enough people. But now we need to choose a place to do the ritual. I need to draw a big circle so we need a spacious place with no things in.

Tenko: Maybe one of the three rooms on the fourth floor.
Kiyo: Those could do. But which one?
Tenko: Um... the middle one!
Kiyo: Okay, let's go I'll set it up.

Then the five of us headed for the three empty rooms.
But why am I doing this? Atua wants me to protect them! Yeah, that's it!

Y/N's POV:

What should I do? I guess I'll go for a walk around this place. I don't mind if any of them try to kill me. I'm pretty suspicious.

I then walked out of my room. Where should I go? I then saw Angie, Shuichi, Kiyo, Kokichi, Tenko and Himiko walking out of the dinning hall.

Tenko: It's the mastermind! Stay behind Himiko!
She pulled Himiko behind her and Kokichi also hid behind her.
Tenko: I'm not protecting you degenerate!

He then walked in front of her.
Kokichi: So what're you doing out of your room.
Kiyo: You're going out?
Y/N: Yeah. Am I not allowed to?

Tenko: Of course not you degenerate mastermind!
Y/N: Well I was just going for a walk.
Tenko: You were going for a kill!
Y/N: Of course not! *sigh* Anyway where are the six of you going?

Kiyo: We're going to do a ritual, that can get us to talk to the dead.
Y/N: What? You're still doing rituals? Didn't the last one fail?
Kiyo: Well this one won't. I'm quiet sure it won't.

Y/N: I see, and how exactly are you gonna talk to the dead?
Kiyo: By one of these four giving their bodies to Rantaro for a few minutes.
Y/N: I see. Well I wouldn't mind doing that.

Tenko: How can we trust you?!
Kiyo: I don't trust, but you can't exactly do anything during the ritual if you're the sacrifice.
Y/N: I will do it if you guys let me, I'll even let him take my body for as long as I live, that's who you guys wanted resurrect after all.

Shuichi: W-Well that's true but you don't have to.
Kiyo: Well even if you're willing to do that you can't. Since it can only last for a few minutes even if the owner of the body is willing to give up his body.
Y/N: I see. Well will you let me do it?

Shuichi: I don't mind. What do you guys think?
Angie: It's all up to Kiyo! He's the one who knows most about the ritual.
Kiyo: It's fine.
Y/N: Let's go then.

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