Chapter 2 Part 3: Entering The Virtual World

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Y/N's POV:

Ding dong, bing bong.
I got up by another weird announcement. They just keep getting weirder.
Y/N: Ah, well... I should go to the dinning hall.
I then went to the dinning hall.

I noticed that everyone but Kokichi and Miu were here.
Y/N: Huh? Where are Miu and Kokichi?
Kaito: I understand why Kokichi's gone, but where's Miu?

Himiko: She's probably still messing with that computer on the 4th floor.
Keebo: Or she might be in her lab, working on another invention. I saw many half-built machines in her lab when she performed maintenance on me.

Himiko: Well, messing with machines and computers is about all she's good for.
I wonder what she's up to?
I then saw Gonta making with a mad face.
Shuichi: Gonta? What's wrong.
Gonta: Gonta's been thinking since yesterday... how Gonta can be useful... But... Gonta No can think of anything... So frustrating!

Kaito: Okay, but you don't need to make such a scary face. Besides... it's not just you. That's something we all gotta think about.
Keebo: We all should be thinking about what we can do to survive.
Himiko: Use you self-destruct system to save us. That's how robots make themselves useful.

Keebo: Even though that is true, at least hesitate before you blurt out something like that!
Angie: Atua thinks we should just get used to living here! There's no point in going outside!
Kaito: You're still going on about that? Well anyway, let's eat! If you don't eat well, you can't think well!

We then ate breakfast and returned to our rooms.
Ding dong. Ding dong.
The bell? But it's not time for our exercises. I wonder who it is?
I opened the door and Miu walked in.

Miu: Hey there, Ghosty!
Y/N: Ghosty?
Miu: No? What about Failed Reincarnation!? Zombie? Well, whatever! Pick any nickname you want!
Y/N: A-Anyway. What are you doing here?

Miu: I figured me and the twins could swing by and pay your virgin ass a visit! Got a boner yet!?
Y/N: Seriously... What are you doing here?
Miu: What am I doing here? Ch-Cheer up! Thanks to me, you get to leave this confining place!

Y/N: We can escape?
Miu: Just come to the computer room on the 4th floor of the academy! But there's no rush, so if you wanna rub one out while you think about me, you got time. Hah-hahaha! But you better bring the crusty tissues afterward!
She then left.
I then went to the computer room.
Everyone was there.

Shuichi: Just as I thought, everyone was brought here.
Miu: Don't act all depressed just cuz you didn't get to spend any alone time with me!
Shuichi: Do I look depressed to you?
Tsumugi: There's no way we wouldn't show up when we were told there's a chance we can escape.

Himiko: But I still think it smells fishy.
Kokichi: Really? Doesn't it smell like something fun is gonna happen instead?
Kaito: You always seem to show up for stuff like this. I've got you figured out...

Kokichi: Thanks! The key to a mutual friendship is understanding each other!
Maki: So, what's this "way" for getting out of here?
Keebo: Is there really a way?

Miu: Duh-doy! Of course there is! Geniuses like me never make mistakes!
Shuichi: So... how are we going to escape?
Y/N: Yeah! I'm excited!

Miu: We're goin' to another world! A world with no killing games and no Monokuma!
Shuichi: Another world?
Y/N: Some kind of isekai!?
Tsumugi: Really!?
We both looked at Miu with shining eyes.

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