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"What do you want?" Jeongguk let out, gripping the phone tightly in his hand.

Lee Jungwon snickered. "Recognized me from my voice alone? Aren't you adorable?"

"I said what do you want" Jeongguk spat, despite his heart racing in his chest.

"I want you dead, Jeongguk. You already know that"

Jeongguk gulped, not knowing what to say.

"You made a mistake by letting Jihoon come back to me. I know where you are now. And I'm going to make sure you're dead sooner or later"

"You have no idea where I am. There are many packs in this area. And bold of you to believe I'm still in that wildland after you sent to kill me. I'm on the move and you will never find me" Jeongguk seethed.

"Then I will find you once again, the same way I found you this time. But for now, keep running. That's the only thing you're good at"

Despite the fear, Jeongguk felt anger surge through him.

"I'm sure we will be able to meet soon and I will be walking back to your- I mean, my pack, with your head. Until then, goodbye"

Jeongguk stared into blank space as the phoneline cut, a deafening silence starting to creep over him. His whole body was sweaty, hot. His hands shook and his heart raced. He felt faintish.

Jungwon wouldn't find him here. There are dozens of packs in the wildland. And he had never come to find Jeongguk himself. Always had sent his minions. And this was the only time Jeongguk had gotten caught.

He shook his head, trying to get the anxiety that swelled his chest out of his system. He tried to comfort himself by thinking positively about the situation. As Taehyung said, the chance of Jungwon finding him here was extremely low and the man was known for his empty threats. There was no way he would come himself so even if he sends someone, he would be safer in a crowd than alone on the road.

As time passed, though the fear subsided, the anxious knot in his chest never loosened. He felt feverish. He laid on the bed, hugging the pillow and wished to fall asleep and by the time he woke up, he would feel better. However sleep never came and he found his wolf longing for something to calm himself with.

Jeongguk got up from the bed, unable to stand the anxiety that still ran fresh in his veins. He needed comfort. His wolf was at unease and he needed-

Jeongguk hurriedly went through his clothes, throwing them out of his suitcase. He finally found what he was looking for: a shirt. His father's shirt he had had for the last three months since his death. Whenever he felt lost, his father's lingering scent in that shirt brought him comfort. His father had meant the world to him and even after his death he continued to comfort Jeongguk when he needed him the most.

Jeongguk brought it to his nose and inhaled the faint scent. He set it down, waiting for himself to calm down. It never came.

And Jeongguk realized that his father's scent wasn't what his wolf was seeking for to get comfort. He needed something- quickly, but he didn't know what or where to look for it.

He looked around his room frantically, and his eyes caught a particular piece of cloth lying atop his drawer. Jeongguk felt himself walk towards it slowly and he reached out to take the handkerchief in his hands.

It was Taehyung's handkerchief from the previous day- with dried blood and dirt.

Jeongguk didn't understand why his wolf took interest in it. He had hoped to wash it and give it back to the alpha. So he wasn't thinking right when he brought it to his nose and sniffed it.

LITTLE LIAR - TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now