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Wow some of you actually guessed what I had planned for Jk to do😆 anyways enjoy!


Jeongguk considered himself a lucky wolf. Which is why he had been able to live for this long with a brother in power looking to bleed him dry.

And his luck seemed to be on his side this time too because with a guilty mind but an ecstatic wolf inside him, he turned Taehyung's doorknob and it turned out to be unlocked. Jeongguk was beyond surprised but he figured that there were no thieves when you were living in your family home.

Before his luck says goodbye, he quickly stepped into the room and the moment he inhaled the air inside, his knees grew weak under him. He felt dizzy as if a massive dose of dopamine had been injected into his veins. And his wolf hummed in euphoria.

He took a few more breaths, feeling as if his wolf was finally calming down after months, even though it had been less than a day since this feeling started. He would love to wake up to this scent for the rest of his life, if he could. His wolf would be at peace all the time if he was surrounded by this scent.

However he couldn't stay hidden in Taehyung's room until this feeling vanishes. Therefore, he quickly looked around the room, not really sure what exactly he was looking for.

And then it caught his eye: a sweater thrown over the sofa. Jeongguk slowly made his way towards it and picked it up. His wolf had full control over his body when he brought the thick material to his nose and took a deep inhale. His whole body numbed with ecstasy the moment the smell of forest entered his system and Jeongguk knew from the way this smelled like Taehyung's body itself, the alpha had just taken it off.

Jeongguk hugged it tightly to his chest, feeling tears prick the backs of his eyes. His whole body felt light and floaty, just like his head. It was like being drunk, but in a much blissful way.

He walked around the sofa and further into the room. He had only one purpose: to find more clothes. He wasn't quite surprised at the lack of dirty clothes around the place. However Jeongguk's wolf howled with delight the moment he entered the bedroom, upon seeing quite a few clothes on a rack as well as a few on the bed and the floor. He picked up a few garments; all of it drenched in the alpha's scent as if Jeongguk was taking a whiff out of the alpha himself.

He didn't pick up any underwear though, no matter how tempting the few pieces of underwear scattered across the bedroom looked. Jeongguk was no pervert. His intentions were innocent. His wolf only needed comfort.

If he was on heat, however...

Jeongguk didn't stay for long, even though he wanted to stay for a bit more. He closed the front door behind him and sneaked into his own room. He quickly threw all the articles of clothing on his bed, and arranged them as his heart desired, until it took the satisfactory form of a nest.

The nest was small, Jeongguk knew. Much smaller than what he would make pre-heat. However he was desperate and didn't have enough resources. Stealing (borrowing, because he was intending to give them back) was wrong enough and Jeongguk couldn't believe he actually did that. However, the way his wolf visibly calmed down as he hugged one of Taehyung's sweaters made Jeongguk feel like maybe this wasn't so bad after all.

He wasn't thinking quite clearly. Not since he stepped into Taehyung's territory- his room. Nor was he thinking quite clearly now, curled into a ball surrounded by Taehyung's scent. He took deep inhales from the alpha's hoodie, the calming scent of forest flowing into his body like a drug.

With his relaxed body and relaxed wolf, Jeongguk found himself slipping into a dreamless slumber once again.


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