Chapter 7

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I set my empty glass down onto the bar with a hiss, savoring the alcohol burning down my throat.

I welcomed it, cherished it infact, already feeling the sensation of my previous glasses taking their effect on my body.

Dulling my instincts enough to slightly smother the feeling of their offset I was experiencing every waking moment of my life.

"Another fill, sir?" Derryk asked from the other side, the bottle of overproof rum already in his hands.

He was a good chef for us. A good human who never asked questions and made phenomenal food.

"Please," I replied, pushing the glass towards him so he could do just that.

Alcohol was never a long fix of it by any means, not like others I've discovered, but it helped enough to where I frequented it.

Anything that subdued the heir instinct somewhere in me to not constantly bite at me I took as a win.

I can deal with the tipsy in exchange for that.

It helped that I didn't wake up today feeling awful. It was eerily close to yesterday's effects.

The constant exhaustion across my being, the clawing feeling in my chest was there, but it wasn't pressing into my lungs and making me fight for each breath.

I wasn't bedridden, I felt fine leaving the isolation my room provided.

I'll take what I can get while it's here.

It felt like I'd had too many good days in a row. I was bound to feel a hard drop here soon.

Maybe tomorrow when Erik's here to check over my pet. That'd at least give him something to work with in terms of me.

He was the only other person outside this family who knew of my deal. Mine and my only full sister's.

I turned to where she sat beside me on a bar stool, sipping on a fruity... girly cocktail of sorts I guess.

I think it had a similar effect on her, though her issue wasn't nearly as overbearing as mine. Even if it did substitute for that in other ways.

Her brows rose when she noticed my stare, turning my attention to me with a tilt of her head.

Ready for whatever I was about to say. Whatever concern or problem she thought was going to fall from my mouth.

Ready to try to tackle it with me however she could.

She was always willing, always for me.

She understood what I lived with more than anyone else, and she was so dead set on finding a fix for it. For us.

But, I had nothing to say, just through that strayed my eyes to her.

So she started the conversation with a question of her own.

"Have things been getting... bad for you recently?"

I quirked a brow, raising my glass back to my lips for a sip.

"Not necessarily," I answered, "Why do you ask? Has it for you?"

"Oh," She blinked in surprise, "No I just figured... With the new pet and all."

Ah, right.

She knew my issue didn't exponentially rise my need for fresh blood like hers did, but she was right.

I did tend to go for pets when I needed more accessibility to fresh blood. Even if it didn't fix the problem, it still helped like the rest.

"Nah that was just an..." I trailed off.

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