Chapter 18

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My head was throbbing mercilessly.

It was bad enough to where I begged my body to just let me sleep in and not feel it for another hour or two, but it wasn't listening.

My pestering need for water had something to do with it. I could feel that too through the burn present in my throat and stomach.

I felt like complete and utter shit.

It felt like it took a full three minutes before my eyesight stopped blurring and focused on the ceiling above.

The sight brought back bits and pieces of my night before, all of which were clouded and choppy.

Jesus, what the hell was I thinking?

I began to peel myself off of this bed with as much willpower as I could muster after a quick countdown, wincing through the variety of disagreements my body had.

The smell of alcohol on my shirt, and the faintest hint of vomit in my mouth made my stomach turn and boosted my will to move.

I forced my feet under me just to kneel a few steps later in front of the mini-fridge and cracked open a bottle of water.

I wanted to just chug it so bad, but my stomach felt...tender in a very weird way.

God, I'm never drinking that much again.

There I stayed on the floor for maybe twenty minutes, sipping away at one bottle before moving on to another one.

Hangovers were always stranger for me than most, more... effective. I could only think to blame it on my blood. It made it harder for the alcohol to filter through my system or something

Slowly, very slowly, the headache faded and some of the weird aches dissipated.

It wasn't a complete fix, but one strong enough to get me off the floor.

I needed food. Something carb-y, then a shower- er... maybe the shower should come first.

I pondered on that before promptly getting out of these gross clothes and into some fresher ones before braving the room next to this one and the vampire that resided in it after last night.

How did I even get here? The last thing I remembered fully was laying my head down on the bar to let one of the drinks settle and then...

No... no wait... I remembered movement. I remembered the view of the floor passing me without me walking. The floor and a pair of sweatpants I'd only seen one person on this floor wear.

My stomach twisted again, and the heat of embarrassment crawled up the back of my neck.

I really made Derryk have Lucien come and take me back?!

Shit... I needed to apologize to him when I order breakfast. I really shouldn't have had that much.

Derryk had been so kind to me... I didn't want him to hate me.

And Lucien just... dropped me in bed?

Surely there was some sort of repercussion involved.

I searched my butchered memory, only finding a few things that made actual sense.

The view of the ceiling I woke up to, the feeling of pinching the comforter between my fingers, tears running down my cheeks, the sudden urge that I was going to vomit, and only barely making it to the toilet in time.

That was it. That was all I could recall. The rest was muffled blurs I couldn't make coherent.

Well... none of that made me feel any better or cleared anything up whatsoever.

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