6🌸 Will you teach me?

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Nazareth, in the process of packing his belongings, was interrupted by a knock on the department door. Turning to look, he found Sara standing there, visibly nervous, holding a piece of paper. A heavy sigh escaped him as frustration and anger simmered beneath the surface. The tension in the room was palpable as he braced himself for whatever interaction awaited.
"Now, what?" he says coldly.
"Prof Reth... I am sorry for my behavior. I didn't mean to, I mean, yeah, I did try to damage your car, but not this. It was for Ishan!" she pleads.
"What a split personality you are! At one point, you have a nuisance and at the other innocent. Which side of you should I consider?" he says with a sarcastic smile.
"I'm-really sorry, I respect you a lot, Nincompoop was also not for you, trust me !" she clarifies.
Despite the rising anger triggered by the word, Nazareth chose to ignore Sara's comment. He continued packing his bag, intending to leave, but she intercepted him by standing in his way. The air in the room thickened with tension as they faced each other, a silent standoff between frustration and fear.
"Get a side, Miss Sara. I need to leave. Forget about helping you, I have started hating this face of yours." Nazareth sputtered.
"No..! I won't! Listen to me, at least. I want to stay here, unlike you. I had a dream of coming to this university, and they would throw me out of this place if I won't able to pay the fees... ! You know my condition." she begged as tears welled up in her eyes.
"Where was this side of yours from day one when you were getting all fierce and kept on acting outside mannerism?" He scoffed.
"I promise once it is over, I won't stop you from quitting. I have a dream of becoming a writer, which I've been conceiving for a long time." she says in a heavy voice as tears start streaming down her eyes.
Nazareth, upon hearing Sara's words and seeing her tear-filled eyes, let out a sigh and rolled his eyes. Turning to face her, he observed Sara standing there with a heavy heart, looking down and sobbing. The emotions in the room hung thick as they navigated the aftermath of impulsive actions and their consequences.
"Miss Roy...stop crying," he says as he tries to sound polite, but politeness has never been his forte.
"I didn't throw the water intentionally! You're not an emotional impotent! Not a Nincompoop! Not a follower of Nazi!" She shouts out loud with flowing tears as she clenched the form she was holding.
"Miss Sara, please speak slowly, everybody is watching us..!" he says uncomfortably and looks around to the teachers and students who were passing by the department watching them.
"Why are you doing this to me, Prof Reth! Why are you disowning me! Give me a week's time then you can leave." She cries it out while her words sound something else.
" *confused* Disowning? Miss Sara It's just that I don't want to be the mentor..! People are taking it differently." He says in frustration and embarrassment while looking at the students who were staring at him in disgust, but she keeps on.
"Okay, what do you want!? Do you want me to sign the paper? (he asks as he gestures towards the form) alright, I'll do it... but you please stop behaving like this." he says in disgust as he takes the form and signs it in frustration as Sara gives a victorious smile secretly.

In the hushed atmosphere of the almost empty department room, Sara and Nazareth found themselves alone, facing each other. Sara, sitting straight with her hands on her knees, tried to maintain confidence despite the palpable tension. The room's silence was so profound that even the ticking of the clock resonated clearly. As Sara looked around, discomfort and nervousness filled the air. Meanwhile, Nazareth focused on the test syllabus, the weight of their recent confrontations lingering in the room.

The department room, resembling a slightly large hall divided into cubicles with tables and chairs, spoke volumes about the personalities of those who occupied the space. Nazareth's desk stood as a reflection of order and purpose, adorned with a few well-arranged books in the corner-perhaps his chosen reads during free moments. Atop the books lay today's newspaper, "The Hindu," suggesting a habit of staying updated with current affairs. The wall of his cubicle held a schedule meticulously outlined on sticky notes, emphasizing a methodical approach to his daily tasks. The details painted a picture of a workspace carefully organized and indicative of the person who occupied it.
Who reads this newspaper, is he appearing for UPSC or what!? Show off... Thought Sara while looking at his desk.

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