12🌸 Granny's Spring Cafe

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Sara turns shocked to find Nazareth, who was standing with an umbrella over her head. While Ishan, standing at a distance, watches the unexpected scene unfold before him. His heart clenches as he observes Nazareth stepping forward with the umbrella, shielding Sara from the pouring rain. In that fleeting moment, Ishan's emotions swirl – a mixture of confusion, envy, and a hint of yearning. Silently, he retreats, discreetly folding his umbrella and tucking it away. The unspoken feelings he harbors for Sara remain hidden from the world. The sudden proximity between Sara and Nazareth sends a ripple through Ishan's emotions.
On the other hand, Nazareth's unusual act was done, leaving Sara somewhat dazed. The moment becomes a fleeting connection, a pause in the usual rhythm of their interactions.
Nazareth, however, becomes acutely aware of the proximity and the unusual connection. He clears his throat, breaking the spell, and takes a step back.
"I suppose you should head home now," he says, clearing his throat.

"It's pouring heavily. Get inside the car. I'll drop you." Sara, anticipating a ride with Nazareth, worries about the possibility of repeating her past mistakes, given their history of peculiar interactions.
"No! (When he looked at her with surprise) I mean, how can you. No, you can't."
"My hands are getting tired holding this over you, so please stop arguing and get inside." He demanded.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Sara struggles with the seatbelt, her hands shaking. A mix of nervousness, excitement, and awkwardness courses through her, creating a tumultuous feeling in her stomach.
It's the same 'car' which I planned to damage! look at the irony the same car is giving me the lift..! Sara said in her head while she grasped as she saw Nazareth grabbing the driver's seat.
"It would be off route..." She says nervously.
"You have your test tomorrow. Falling ill is not an option. At least I don't want my efforts to go waste." He clarifies
"Thanks..." She says slowly.

During the ride, silence prevails, with Sara occasionally speaking to guide him through the route. The journey to her house is just fifteen minutes away from the university by car.
As Sara shifts her gaze towards Nazareth, she observes his focused expression, driving with unwavering concentration. The rhythmic motion of the windshield wipers adds a sense of calm to the car, contrasting with the dizzying feeling she experienced earlier.
The familiar Oud fragrance fills the air inside the car, creating a subtle and comforting atmosphere. It's a scent Sara associates with various moments she shares with Nazareth - from confrontations to unexpected gestures. The fragrance becomes a silent companion in their journey, intertwining with the memories they've created together.
Every person has their unique fragrance. So, it's his fragrance. She thought as looks at him silently.

"Can I ask you a question, Professor Reth?" Says Sara while slowly initiating the conversation while he kept silent and doesn't reply.
"The quote on the soft board. What did you like so much about it that you've placed it there? Are you a fan of Landon's character?"
"I didn't like it. I found it humorous." He replies coldly.
"Huh..?" Sara asks in puzzle.
"I can't understand how people can be so much in love that they continue to love even when their partner leave them." He says remember his parents' incidence.
"There are possibilities." Says Sara immediately.
"The feel of love, it's not that blissful as shown in the dramas and books, rather it's way more cruel and harsh. Just like this winter!" Nazareth says.
When Sara looked at him with stunned eyes.
"Winters aren't cruel and nor is love...! (Taking a pause) Haven't you seen the white snow falling from the sky and touching your skin, it's coldness makes you realise that you need to search for warmth. Same as, the loneliness of life makes you search for love. That warmth is what we call love. Winters...bring you close with the urge to find warmth." She argued as her eyes shine.
Sara's astute observation left Nazareth without a counterargument. Her mature understanding pierced through his defenses, highlighting the challenge he faced in countering her insightful remarks. Despite her accuracy, Nazareth remained resolute in his conviction, anchored by the deep-seated belief that love inevitably leads to pain.

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