9🌸 But I'll be your guest, today

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Sara came out of her room yawning and saw her granny preparing a breakfast table for her. Last night's incident was still fresh in her mind as she sat on the chair for having her breakfast.
"Apple pie...!? Again! You should bake something else too granny. You serve me and your customers the same thing every day...! At this rate, your cafe will close down soon." Sara complaints.
"Fruits are good for the heart. And this pie is healthy. I made it especially for you, it will make your heart strong!" Says her granny while stroking her head.
"Nothing can sooth my weak heart..!" says Sara slowly while having a bite.
"By the way, you didn't tell me how your party was yesterday?" Says Granny while adjusting the tables and chairs of her cafe, which was adjacent to their living area.
"It..It was fine." She says as she remembers the fight.
"You don't sound like that."
"Umm...granny..can you pack your cafe baked cookies."
"Why? You aren't allowed to eat them they are unhealthy!"
"Relax.. I want to give that to someone else." Says Sara while wearing her smartwatch.
"My Professor. Now, don't ask anything further, and please pack them for me." Saying that she rushes to her room and gets ready.

Sara reached the university before time and had a look at the department to see if Nazareth was there, but he hadn't come till now.
No worries, I'll give these cookies and apologise during the extra class. Thinking that Sara went to the class and saw Ishan, who was too busy giggling with other students.
Look at him! I'm on one hand apologising on his behalf, and he's unaffected, careless! Sara says to herself as she goes to Ishan and snatches his phone.
"What the--"
"How can you be so chilled!? You could have gotten suspended yesterday!"
"But I didn't."
"Ishan, when will you grow up?" Says Sara in a worried tone as she looks at the scratch he got near his eyes during the scuffle which had turned blue.
"What do I do with you!? Does it hurt?" She asks as she slowly creases at the wound.
"No..." Says Ishan as he looks deep into her eyes where he could clearly see his reflection and the worries she holds for him, and for a second the time stopped for him as her touch on his wound felt healing to him.
He unknowingly holds her hand, bringing it down while creasing it softly with a lost smile.
Why do I feel so weird? Ishan thought when Sara hit his arm.
"You still have the audacity to smile! Ishan! Come to your senses and stop getting into unnecessary trouble!"
"Buy it wasn't completely his mistake. Rudra initiated." Defends Nia to Ishan.

Minutes passed by, but there was no trace of Nazareth. He has always been stuck to punctuality, but his absence led Sara to think if he's doing fine after yesterday's mess. She continued with the other classes as usual, but there was a perculiar feeling, which made Sara kind of miss Nazareth. She did feel strange as his behavior wasn't that much pleasing to anyone at all, but there was a weird emptiness that makes Sara think of her professor every now and then. As the university gets over, she runs to the department where she meets Avi, who is about to leave.
"Avi, Sir! Good afternoon. Umm...why did Prof Reth take a leave today?" She asks.
"Ah, he's feeling a little unwell." Avi replies while he was packing his stuff.
"Unwell..! Is he okay..!? I mean his head?"
"Yeah..the scratch was a little deep, which led to a bit of blood flow. Doctors had prescribed him the meds, whose dosage made him feel dizzy." Avi replies, which made Sara feel bad about Nazareth.
"Can you give me his address!?" asks Sara quickly without even having a second thought.
"No, I can't."
"It was us who started the chaos, and he got hurt. And since my friend was involved in this, I have a right to apologize." she explains.
"Look, Miss Sara, he is not the type who welcomes people at his place. He'll drag and throw you out. Don't go there it's a land mine!"
Avi refused straight away, but Sara was persistent too, and finally, she made him agree. He reluctantly gave her the address with a request not to tell him who was behind this because if he gets to know, he'll create havoc.

She made her way to his house with nervous steps. All through her way, she kept on introspecting whether what she was doing was right or wrong. What will he think of her? How will he react to seeing her there? and many other things kept on ticking behind her head when she found herself standing in front of his door.
I can do this, I'm his student, just dropping by to check his health. Yeah. Okay. Says says to boost confidence.

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