11🌸 Rain and Umbrella

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As the morning alarm goes off, Sara wakes up from her sleep, and the moment she checks the time, she jumps in a hurry, only to realise that she got super late.
I can't be late he'll throw me out! Words escape from her mouth instantly, and she folds her blanket.
Sara somehow got ready and rushed out of the house when she spotted Ishan, who was taking his bike out and went to him.
"Drop me." She asks.
"Why?" Ishan asks as he looks at her, narrowing his eyes.
"Just drive!" She says as she hits the back of his head.
Ishan sat on the bike while locking his helmet and hands over the other helmet to Sara and smiled secretly as he saw Sara struggling with the helmet's lock from the rare view mirror.

Soon, they reached the university, and as they entered the class, Nia waves at Sara, who shows her finger heart.
"You had the macaroon yesterday?" Ishan's question froze Sara as she remembers about the macaroon which she had offered to Nazareth.
He'll get mad if he hears that I had offered that to Prof Reth. She thinks in her mind.
"Ye-Yeah..." She says in a feeble tone and settles down quickly, hearing the footsteps of her Professor.
Sara kept on gazing at Nazareth as he entered the class swiftly when she got reminded of yesterday's muffler incident. A smile slowly crept her lips , and she felt butterflies inside her stomach. Her ears start to get warm when she quickly shrugs her head, bringing control to herself.
No! No! Am I crazy!? He did that out of courtesy, idiot. He's your professor. He might look stone hearted, but deep down, he might be a nice person. So I shouldn't get swayed by these stupid thoughts. No!
Sara came out of her trail of thoughts on hearing Ishan's finger snap, who had been calling out her name for the past a couple of minutes.
"What?" Sara asks with disgust.
"Why are you being sleepy head in a broad daylight?" Replies Ishan.
"Who!? Me! No..! I... I was just... like that.."
"Just like that. What? Look at your face, turned pale. Were you thinking about some boy or what? Oh, load! You like someone!"
"No!" She says a little louder, and her voice reaches to Nazareth's ears.
Nazareth turns back as he sees Sara with a dead glare.
"Can you guys save your personal discussions for later and sit quietly in class..?" He says in an acidic tone, alerting them both.
Sara quickly starts flipping the pages of the short stories books kept in front of her, and gestures Ishan to keep quiet.
"Ah! You felt bad that Nazi scolded you, huh..! You got affected!" Ishan says while mocking her behavior when Sara gives a dead glare to him.
"Why are you acting all attentive now? It's not like you have any good image in front of him.Wait... you're trying to impress him or something!?" He says in a provoking tone.
"SHUT UP, you jerk!" Sara shouted, forgetting she was sitting in class.
Her loud voice pierced through the ears of her peer as everyone started staring at her when Nazareth on hearing this bubbles up in anger.
"Miss Sara Roy, have you forgotten you're being surrounded by the walls of class! It's not your living room where you are chilling and freely blurting out anything you feel while scratching your scalp!" He shouts while Sara flinch.
"Sorry, Prof!" She exclaimed.
"Step out of the class Right at This Instance!" He says on the top of his voice as Ishan looked at Sara, who was staring at him in anger.
Sara made her step out slowly without arguing any further as she knows it would lead her to nowhere, as Nazareth being a rigid personality doesn't believe in ignoring a few things.
Again...! No...! Why does it have to be me in all the crowd who gets humiliated in front of him all the damn time! Sara cries aloud in mind as she looks back at Nazareth.
"Mr.Ishan, do you also feel like joining your friend?" Nazareth says, setting his face hard while Ishan looks down and shakes his head in no.
"And from now..! Calculate your words wisely before slipping them out of your tongue as I won't tolerate any further nuisance. You get that!" He says the last statement while banging the table.

Krishna Ji... Why does it have to be me who keeps on looking stupid in front of him. Why!? I don't even want to mess with him. What he might be thinking of me, what impression you have made, you stupid Sara! Sara says out loud while while banging her head a little on the wall in frustration.
"If you really want to creak open your head, then bang a little more hard." Says Nazareth in a taunting tone as he sees Sara while coming out of the class after his lecture got over.
Sara quickly looks back at him while she face turns red in embarrassment.
"The class is over. You can go inside." He says coldly.
"Sorry.." she says while standing up.
"For what?"
Don't know, but I feel like saying Sorry every time I see him. Sara replies in her head.
"Actually... I always end up doing something stupid. I am...not a bad student the way I look. Just like you, you may look like a sour expression, an emotional, impotent, rigid fellow in front of everyone, but deep down, you too might be a good person. Like, yesterday, you gifted me the muffler." She says honestly.
"I never gifted that." He said instantly.
"Huh? (While she blinked awkwardly) I thought you said no need." She says nervously.
"It didn't mean for you to keep it." He says bluntly.
"Ah...! (Bits her lip) I'll-I'll return that...tomorrow. Anyways I was about to return that! What will I do with that!" Sara says in a flustered tone.
"Don't return. Just keep that." Saying this Nazareth leaves quickly with hands in his pocket while Sara stood there in confusion, trying to understand whether she should have been returning that or not.

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