Chapter 1

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The Great Hall hummed as it was used once more

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The Great Hall hummed as it was used once more. But gone were the risers, and gone was the platform teachers once stood upon. Carvolier had long since been abandoned as a school, instead serving as a training ground and a temporary headquarters. It buzzed with a different sort of energy, now, no longer fed by young minds, but calloused souls. Down the center sat a long table, and today, people surrounded the table as a Council of Thirds meeting commenced.

A scribe stood at the head of the table, just behind where Master Honoria sat.

"These are the people called here today and are present:" the scribe began. "General Rorric Dagmire, Master Istein Edde, Master Jephro Erswell, Master Teridan Honoria, Master Icarde Moswey, Master Leaco Opul, Master Revenence Pollis, Master Yevondi Warven. General Fenvar Byteron and General Hark Meixong send their regrets, as they are busy keeping us safe at the front, but General Meixong has sent a representative."

All eyes glanced at the outlier in the room. Oddly close to the head of the table sat a familiar head of golden blond. His hair had been cut short, a far cry from what it used to be in his youth, and a few stray scars scattered across his bronze skin. Age and war had erased all traces of baby fat from his cheeks, leaving behind a sharp jaw and sharper eyes. With those eyes, he leveled those around the table as if he dared anyone to question why he was there.

Two years had passed after all, and he was no longer the devastated boy who burned the shrouds of his friends.

The scribe, "Invitee Lieutenant Nagania Elvar."

Nagan only hummed with an inclination of his head, but he chose not to speak. That was when Master Honoria cleared his throat and stood.

"Thank you, gentlemen, for coming. I especially want to extend this thanks to General Dagmire and Lieutenant Elvar for stepping away from their duties to give us a report of the front. Before we begin," he motioned to Master Dagmire. "General Dagmire, can you give us a brief report from the front?"

Master Dagmire sighed before standing, leaning heavily on the table. "I'm afraid it's not very good news. We have lost all access to the Jaruvion Sea with the loss of Dijik last year, the shores of Hecatite, and the complete loss of Laurow." He inclined his head to Master Warven. "My condolences. We were woefully unprepared after the Kinsmen's Recession."

Master Warven waved his hand. "My family has escaped, and that is all I need. However, the loss of my country certainly leaves a hole in our hearts.

"Where does your family stay?" Master Erswell asked. "I hope someone has opened their doors to you, or else I will freely offer mine."

"No need, no need," Master Warven assured. "The Sendiros took in my family immediately. They have a small estate in South Tarkon—a few miles west of the trading hubs for the mediocres, Celors—that they have graciously let us inhabit. My younger brother, however, remains at war as he has vowed to regain Laurow."

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