Chapter 14

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Before he even finished telling his recollection, Nagan knew he was in a really, really bad situation

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Before he even finished telling his recollection, Nagan knew he was in a really, really bad situation. Not even Meixong could hide their grimace as their left hand curled into a quasi-fist, their nails digging into the top of their thumb. If Meixong's apprehension was clear enough to show, either something they couldn't predict or something out of their control was about to happen.

Once his recollection was complete, Meixong leaned forward, propping their elbow on their crossed knee as they rubbed their temple. They muttered some of their favorite Laurovian curses.

"You two are the experts, but for legal reasons, I have to ask Icarion, and I need you to stay quiet." Meixong motioned vaguely to the side where Az stood. "In any of your investigations, have there been any instances of magic being restored within hypomagicka fields?"

"No, General."

"Have there been any occurrences of an area being momentarily void?"

"...No, General."

Meixong shifted just enough to look at Az from the corner of their eye. "So in the last two years from when the phenomenon was officially acknowledged to now, there have been no signs or indications of hypomagicka fields regaining magic at any rate or capacity? Even the potentially natural occurrences?"

"We have not been able to study an area long term due to our other duties, but while in those areas, we were not able to sense any restoration in magic." Az paused. "But we weren't looking to detect any restoration either."

Nagan already knew what they were all thinking. A natural magic affinity and an Infiniti wouldn't miss it, either. And above that, that still doesn't prove rapid restoration—such as was seen with Nagan's attack—was possible. None of them said as much, though.

"Well this is productive," Meixong muttered sarcastically. "This only proves how little we know about the magic the Kinsmen wield."

Without warning, Meixong stood and walked back behind their desk. A quill previously lying motionless began writing furiously on a blank piece of paper.

Meixong, "Rin, draft up a proposal for creating a group of scholars assigned to further study hypomagicka fields and other magic related to the Kinsmen. Send it past Fenvar Byteron first, though. He can yell at me later."

Rin didn't question it, turning to his own smaller desk to the side. "Would you like him to send it to the Council from there or to return it for review?"

"Return it. I don't think that highly of him."

"General Meixong," Darro cut in, even daring to take a step forward as Meixong looked at him, unimpressed. "With all due respect, that's not why we're here. What is to be done with—"

"I'm getting there." Meixong plucked the paper from the pile once the pen stopped writing—it momentarily shimmered as a drying spell washed over it—and held it out wordlessly. "These are your orders. You know what to do from here."

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