Chapter 18

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Just as Qentor had said, Darro arrived the next morning.

Always the early riser, Nagan had been already awake for the last hour, taking his time to freshen up for the day. Some of Milora and Silvina's morning routine rubbed off on him over the years, something about "keeping yourself looking youthful—make sure to wash and moisturize your face every morning and evening." Maybe he skipped a day here and there, but he had to admit, splashing your face with cold water in the morning felt nice, especially in the summer months.

If he were at Carvolier under normal circumstances, he would've left his assigned room in favor of visiting the library or an early morning stroll outside, but that was also when he didn't have the looming verdict of "traitor" hovering above his head. At least he had the foresight to stock up on books beforehand.

Instead, he sat at the desk by the window, a Laurovian novel in hand—translated to Tarkovish, of course. It was rumored that General Meixong chose the name Hark because of a side character in the book, but he had yet to encounter said character.

A knock sounded at his door. Nagan sighed heavily and bookmarked the page. The rest would have to wait until after the mission.

If they don't arrest you immediately, that is. Nagan shook the taunting voice from his head. His trial date hadn't been set yet, but from Meixong's previous letter, it was implied it would be soon.

He remembered to act surprised when he answered the door, Darro's aloof expression being the first thing he was meant with. It wasn't all that hard, at least, since Nagan genuinely didn't expect Darro to go out of his way to collect him directly.


"Elvar." Darro made no move or indication that he wanted to come into the room. "An...exception has been made, and the Council of Thirds has directly requested you to be a part of this next mission. You speak Hecat, correct?"

"Well enough, I guess, but I hadn't had the chance to practice it in years."

"As long as you understand it. On this mission, you will not be allowed a sword or your cloak, but you won't need one, anyway. You are to simply stand watch and make sure no one approaches the negotiations with ill intent."

Nagan raised an eyebrow at the missing information, even though he already knew the answer. "Where are we going?"

"Miosou, Hecatite, just off the border of Tarkon. We have been slowly making progress in regaining the coast of Hecatite." Darro's eyes narrowed, meaning he was displeased with something. "Despite being liberated from Kinsmen control, a mining village just outside the city has been less than pleased with it. The council wants to know why and what they want as appeasement. Not that the Council would humor any demands, but we still want to make an effort towards peace. The Council thought a platoon from the Information Unit would be the best suited for this."

They're sending a whole platoon? "What does General Meixong think of this?"

"These are Council orders, not the general's." Darro didn't wait for any more questions, pulling out an onyx—Nagan assumed it was the same he'd been using—and holding it in front of him. "Gather what you need after channeling all magic into the onyx. I want to leave immediately."

Apprehension washed over Nagan in a cold wave. Council orders almost always meant violence, and if he wasn't allowed a sword or even magic...

"Will I be allowed to have magic once we get there?" Nagan asked hesitantly. "I don't like the thought of being left defenseless."

"Someone of your prowers is hardly defenseless." Darro paused. "If the situation begins to become unstable, I will allow you to use the onyx."

The compromise was better than nothing, but his unease only grew as he felt his circuits grow sluggish as he drained whatever magic he had recovered overnight into the onyx. Hopefully, Darro didn't plan on stationing him far. There was only so much he could do with his fists or whatever he could get a hold of if things turned sour and Darro was too far away.

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