The Hell Door

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Christ: "Where are you? Why are you so late? We have to move fast."
Kee: "I' sorry. I went to meet a friend of mine. I am coming."

On their way, Christ was so calm and Kee was about to explore out of curiosity.

Kee: "Where are we going?"
Christ: "Going back to the scene. We need to find the military soldier's corpse. He is propably a witness."
Kee: "How did you know? Do you have any evidence?"
Christ: "3 years ago, I had a similar case, and once in a month, a soldier's corpse was found. That's why I came to help you with this case. I guess this case is the continuing..."
Kee: "Are you sure? You might be wrong or mistaken?!"
Christ: "Look. I should not tell you everyrhing, but because you are now working on this case with me, I will. When we parted at the abandoned school, one of the spirits told me rhat the killer is not a human. He is a Dark Spirit.

He came here to this world thru a Hell Door that is hidden in the Bloody Forest."
Kee: "So that's why they told me that I can find him there when I asked them on the rooftop."
Christ: "Yes that's right"
Kee: "And where is that Bloody Forest? And how can we find the Hell Door?"
Christ: "The Bloody Forest is where the corpses were founds. We have to gindthat Door but I don't have any clue how."
Kee: "Do you beleive the spirits?"
Christ: "Yes I do."
Kee: "Is it because you can hear them or because..."
Christ: "Don't ask many questions. Just beleive me as you did at the school and let the spirits have trust in us, because I am so sure that their help would guide us to this case's end."
Kee: "Can't you ask them where the door is?"
Christ: "Even if they know, they won't tell us."
Kee: "So are we going to search for the door, in the Bloody Forest, at this time, alone? Is this case related to the one you had 3 years ago? Is he a Serial killer?"
Christ: "Yes. Propably. He might doing something like dark sacrifices for some reason. Let's go. We don't have much time."
Kee: "Oh Ok let's go"

While going into the dark road, Kee got a message from the police officer and she got shocked.

Christ: "What is it? Why crying so sudden? What is this message?"
Kee: "I am... (crying). I am feeling so sad. I don't know what to say..."
Christ: "Why? Let me see the message. (He got surprised and furious). Is he sure about that? How did they find the corpse? When did they search for it and who gave them the order to examin it without our permission?"
Kee: "I am sure that the police officer has something hidden. I felt suspecious about him since I reopened the file that night. He did not answered me when I asked him, but he was trying to hide rhe truth and took off the file and hide the evidence"
Christ: "What evidence?"
Kee: "The font in her diaries and the suicide letter are not the same. Look here."
Christ: "Did you find her diaries? May I look at it?" (Sad and teary)
Kee: "Take. I have made a copy without telling them. Look at the font. Thea wrote on page 17 that she was so happy when she got engaged. On page 30, she was so thankful and excited because her fiancee got a job as a Prosecutor. And on page 55, she visited her mother and she was so thankful. What I am trying to tell you is that a person wo wrote all those happy memories and many more in his diary, how could he commit suicide that easly? Thea was also in Love wirh her fiancee... The last memory was written 5 days before her birthday."
Christ: "You are right. (Crying silently)
Kee: "I am sorry. I didn't meant to hurt you."
Christ: "No No No. I am fine. Let's hurry. The door must be opened by now"

They were walking carefully and went directly to where the Military soldier's ID was found. Suddenly, a very bright light came out of the deepest palce in the forest

and a scary voice was calling the spirits. They saw the light and get so scared because the scene was so hellish and many butterflies came out as if they are afraid of something.

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