The Truth's Reveal

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The Master: What are you doing?
The Servant: I'll burn the files don't worry. They won't find anything. Just give me 2h and I'll call you when I'm done.
The Master: Good. Tomorrow at 9PM we'll be meeting to discuss the sacrifice you'll make for me in two days. Don't be late.
The Servant: Tomorrow? Where?
The Master: At the Bloody Forest. Why? Are you afraid?
The Servant: No no. I am not. So, see you tomorrow.

The Servant was very afraid. He couldn't tell anyone what is he doing in case someone thaught he is a traitor. He entered the archeive's room, took the file related to Thea's case and sat down at his desk to review it.

At midnight, he noticed that all his comerads are resting and he's the only one working

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At midnight, he noticed that all his comerads are resting and he's the only one working.

He started copying the file on his laptop and he locked the file with a secret password to not let anyone open it, then locked his laptop, shut it down then looked arround

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He started copying the file on his laptop and he locked the file with a secret password to not let anyone open it, then locked his laptop, shut it down then looked arround. He looked like so worried.

2h later, before Christ and Kee came, he went out to tell his Master that he had burned the file but they overheared him and started interrogating him

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2h later, before Christ and Kee came, he went out to tell his Master that he had burned the file but they overheared him and started interrogating him.

Kee: Why aren't you answering? Who are you talking to?
Christ: Who is your master? Is he a human or a spirit? Who is he? Answer! (angry)

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