iii. the iron throne

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CHAPTER THREE ─── the iron throne

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          𝕴t was clear, even to those of the untrained political eye, that the Hightowers were attempting to preside over court as if they were the true Targaryen rulers. It was clear in the push of the Faith of the Seven, the ever present green in every colour scheme and the phantom crown that appeared to rest over Otto Hightower's head wherever he went.

It had been that reason alone that had caused all of the Thorne family to don the house colours of both Targaryen and Throne, deep red, sapphire blue and black, for the farce of court that they were being forced to attend. 

Alaelanna's own dress mimicked her mother's, deep red and black of House Targaryen, a dragon sown into the cuffs of the sleeves. Her white curls had been twisted upwards into a tight bun, littered with sapphires and rubies. All that was missing was a crown, but her mother had stated that it would be too insinuating. On either side of her was her brothers, all dressed similarly, eyes narrowed, glares dark and hands on their swords. 

No one was pleased with this call to court. 

But, if their parents were upset, they did not show it. Alaelanna's mother stood without moving, a hand on her bump and a small smile playing at the corner of her lips, as if all was well. Their father stood next to her, an arm on his wife's back and his other hand on his sword.

Privately, the siblings knew just how annoyed their parents were, but to the rest of the court, they remained serene.

Jace's hand found her arm, squeezing gently once more, to support the teenager.

"As hand, I speak with the King's voice on this and all other matters." Alaelanna rolled her eyes at that, fighting to remain calm. "The crown will now hear the petitions."

There was no movement for a moment, before someone stepped forward from the back of the crowd. They continued to walk forward, before coming to a stop in front of the throne and bowing. Alaelanna did not recognise them, her eyes narrowing as she looked up at Jace, cocking her eyebrow.

Her twin also looked confused.

"House Stokeworth." They both turned, finding that their father had turned to them and was whispering under his breath. "They are a somewhat close house to us."

"Lord Stokeworth."

"My queen. My Lord Hand." He bowed his head at the two Hightowers, before seeming to remember that Rhaenyra was behind him and turning. "Princess."

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