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You were looking around confused. Surrounded by white space all around you, wherever you looked. There were no doors or walls around you. You seemed to be in a non-existing place.

How did I get here? I'm sure I was in my dormitory just now?

Loud, slow steps were heard coming towards you, behind. You don't know why, but you felt enormous power radiating from the entity behind. You felt a bit too intimidated to turn around and face it.

"You are not Yuki. Who are you?" A deep, but soothing voice of a male was heard behind you.

You turned around slowly, afraid of who or what you would see...

He was... handsome, non-human. The male was taller than you-much taller than you. Hovering inches above you, looking at you carefully with bright red eyes. You noticed a birthmark under his right eye. His skin was almost as pale as Yuki's. He had long black hair that reached down below his knees. Long earrings peeking through locks of hair that looked like dream catchers. It suited him.

Looking down at his outfit it looked like what the magician's wore in manga's. A long black cape with gold trimmed ridges, neatly tucked black suit underneath.

You watched him place a hand on his chin looking at you from head to toe. Giving you a satisfied smirk.

"So this is what your soul looks like? Your appearance is quite pleasing to the eyes." You looked down at your hands and body in shock.

Only now noticing that your hands were shades darker than the body you were supposed to be in. You let out a choked sound of surprise.

You- you were back in your own body! How?!

"No, you are not back inside your body, dear. We are inside the dream realm. More specifically your domain where the appearance of your soul is shown." The unnamed male before you answered. Huh, did he just read my mind?!

"My dream realm? You're saying I'm still inside Yuki? No-wait! First of all who are you? Are you the one who bought me here?!" You grabbed the tall male by his collar bringing his face closer to you.

"Oh my, even your voice is quite pleasing to my ears~" said male smirked down at you, amused at your behavior.

You got angry at his disregard for your questions. He took your hands off his collar, keeping hold of one.

"We have already met before. Let me introduce myself first." What the heck is he talking about?!

You would have remembered meeting someone like him. Before you could ask him outright anything, he bowed downed leaning close to your face. Bringing your right hand to his mouth, giving it a kiss.

What the fuck?!

You tried to take your hand back, but he only let out an amused chuckle at your struggle. This fucker!

"You may recognize me by my name.

My name is Artemis. I am The Artemis Rod.

The soul of Yuki's weapon."

He let go of your hand, instantly pulling it back to your chest, taking two steps back from the towering male.

"Weapon? You're saying that Yuki's rod has a soul? I thought it was only a weapon made by the 'hooded woman'? In that regard isn't her soul supposed to be inside the weapon?" You questioned Artemis in confusion at the turn of events.

"How did you even notice that I'm not Yuki? Is that why you rejected me when I tried to expand the rod?" You felt cautious by the way he stared at you. He didn't seem to dislike you, just... looked a bit too interested at the new specimen.

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