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Yagari shivered in fear as he stared at you, down from his position on the ground. His arms clutched to his sides, while he sat on the ground staring at you, scared that as soon as he lost eye contact, you would shoot a bullet right through his brain, from the way your stare seemed haunting and dull. Way too different from the stares he received from those hungry level E vampires. It was as if you were lusting for murder, one reason to unleash and kill everything around you. He gulped when he heard you load the gun fully to shoot, his hands grabbing at the solid cement floor to steady himself and crawl backwards, far away from your sight. The headmaster never once warned him about your training or having an ounce of hunter abelites'... can it even be considered a mere ability?

You raised an eyebrow at the quivering male questioningly, as you remembered how brash and intimidating he was in the aim, right after shooting Zero. "You gonna to start talking or what? Why did you try to shoot Zero, when you clearly have no intension to kill him? Killing him is my job, not yours. Start talking before I make you. I won't repeat myself." the albino beside you snapped his head in surprise to where his master was stuck frozen in fear. "Wha- what is she talking about? Teacher? I don't understand-" Zero doble taked to take in the sight of his previous teacher, mind you who never once feared the sight of a vampire, or the time one attacked him, causing him to lose an eye, is terrified of you. He looked back and forth from Yagari to you, before placing a hand at the pistol you were centimeters away from pulling. "Yuki, I'm fine now. Put away the weapon so we can talk-" irked by the way he tried to coarse you into dropping everything, you pushed Zero to the side. He let out a yell of surprise as he fell back into the water, his eyes widening to a stare as you slowly pulled your finger down the pistol handle, before you were interrupted by the headmaster running and screaming.

...It wasn't like you weren't actually going to shoot Yagari. Only make him feel terrified of you, so it would be easy to threaten him into doing your bidding. If you don't make your stance above him right of the bat, it will be harder to put him in his place later on. You knew Kaien would make his appearance sooner or later to stop you from killing anyone. You watched the show, remember?

"That's as far as you gooooooooooo! uuuufffffff- I came because I was worried and look! This is why I hate vampire hunters- EHHHHHHH YUKI-CHAN WHY ARE YOU POINTING SUCH A DANGEROUS ITEM AT YAGARI-SAN! PUT IT AWAY QUICKLY BEFORE YOU HURT YOURSELF!" Kaien ran towards you in panic as he failed his arms around, fretting like a worried mother duck, insisting you to put your gun away. You let out a breath of annoyance as you rubbed between your brows before putting the gun back in your pocket.

"Yagari-san look at what you have done. My poor babies! How could you! You two must be drenched to the bone in this mean cold water! You poor things, here grab my hand dearies-" Zero jumped out of the pool to avoid the headmasters touch, while you grabbed a hold of Kaien's hand as he hauled you out, one arm around your waist. Kaien smiled bashfully that you grabbed his hand back, grabbing his face as he squealed in delight as he let you go.

"Kaien Cross! Who is that girl?! There is no way that-threat is your daugh- hck!" Yagari cut his stammering question short when your eyes landed on him again. This time the annoyance clear.

Kaien was amused-err worried about why Yagari one of the strongest hunters is fearful of Yuki. "Huh? This is Yuki Cross, my beloved daughter that I have cared and grown myself! What is up with you Yagari-kun? You're acting very strange and unlike your usual self." Said man looked to the side to calm himself down once he properly acknowledged the fear he emitted. When you mover you gaze elsewhere away from him, he felt his shoulders fell down to a relax as he unknowingly slipped a sigh of relief.

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