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"Let hatred fuel you and mature swiftly, dear Zero," murmured an elder woman, her voice a soft caress against his senses. Zero sensed her presence as though she were crashing into his very being.

"You desire my demise, don't you?... I yearn to witness your eternal torment," she continued, her words dripping with malice. His body recoiled at the familiarity of her despicable voice as he reluctantly opened his eyes, meeting the gaze of a long-haired woman whose locks mirrored his own.

"Those eyes, brimming with loathing, are mine and mine alone. You and I are bound by a tether unbreakable," she whispered, her touch still gentle against his skin as he struggled to break free from her grasp, only to awaken abruptly from the haunting nightmare with a gasp.

"Huh?!" Zero bolted upright in his bed, his breaths ragged and furious. A scowl etched upon his features as hatred coursed through his trembling form, his fists clenched tightly around the bedsheets.

"It seems like that woman is alive," Toga murmured, his gaze fixed on the scene beyond the window from within the headmaster's office. Kaien sat at his desk, lost in contemplation, grappling with the decision of whether to confront Maria himself or entrust the task to another.

"What course of action should I take, Yuki? How would you handle this?" Kaien whispered to himself, his hands clasped in front of him as his comrade observed him intently.


"I'd pick wild!

I like Idol!

Yes, if I could dance with Idol, It would be the ultimate!

But don't you think Ichijo would be nice too? He seems the type to lead so gently."

"They are wildly excited today," Zero muttered, grateful for the safety measures that Toga, the headmaster,he and you had implemented the previous night. "You brought the cages and dog leashes, correct? I've got my goad stick ready to guide the animals into the farm cages." You asked, stretching one arm. 

"Yeah, I'm still puzzled about how you convinced the headmaster to approve them. Do you truly believe this is necessary?" Zero asked reluctantly.

"Trust me, it's a matter of life and death." You answered back, seeming serious.

“Say… should we ask them why they have set up cages around the walkway to the night classrooms?

How are we supposed to even go near them with these things?!

Alice, you say something!

No, you do it! Yuki Cross is scarier than Zero now! Trying to go against her is the same as wishing for death!

These cages will not separate me from my love! Idol I am coming for you my love!


Wh-whats up with the leashes??

AHHHHHHH” You reeled in the leashes with a deadpan expression, while Zero's forehead bore a sweat mark, staring in disbelief and awe at the student's confidence. He glanced at them with an equally deadpan expression, mirroring your own.


The night before

"I don't see why this is necessary," Kaien whined, his finger raised to his lips, his lower lip pouting.

"Why am I dragged into this again?" Toga sighed, finally feeling his fear dissipate enough to engage in a proper conversation with you.

"Because you possess strength, and we need that to set up the cages quickly so we can rest sooner. Now, hurry it up. Place the cages by the entrance door. I'll take the middle, the headmaster can fill in between, and Zero will focus on the gates near the night dormitory." You crossed your arms, a daring eyebrow raised.

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