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Let's just say you woke up resembling the embodiment of chaos. Your arms adorned with inked markings, hair disheveled, papers strewn about like confetti. The relentless urge to confront Yuki, to vanquish her, surged within you.

As you pondered how to inflict maximum despair upon her, your thoughts drifted to what she cherished most before her departure.

Her children... What were their names again?

With a swift google search, you rediscovered their information: Ai Kuran and Ren Kiryu.

Yet, they hold no sway in this realm, rendering that avenue obsolete.

Kaname, however, held a special place in her heart. She revered him, even to the point of obsession.

Though unspoken, her decision to have children with Zero spoke volumes about her affection for him as well, albeit without the overt fixation she harbored for Kaname.

You sensed an impending intuition, a connection awaiting you as you drew nearer to locating Yuki.

If all the pieces aligned...




Your smirk morphed into something more sinister.

Would driving a stake through their heart bring swift demise?

A low chuckle escaped you, your hand attempting to conceal the madness behind your grin.

Only one way to find out.


Kaname leaned against the window frame, observing your brisk laps around the Sun Dormitories building.

Ignoring the persistent knock from Ichijo, his attention remained fixed on your glistening form. Lately, he found solace in watching you hydrate yourself with a drink of choice, the simple act oddly satisfying. The snug white tank top accentuated your sweat-drenched skin, accentuating the contours of your body, now more defined, more muscular. It suited you surprisingly well.

"Kaname?" Ichijo's voice sounded from beyond the door, tinged with concern. Kaname's focus remained steadfast on you, disregarding Ichijo's defeated sigh at being ignored once again. "Get some rest. Goodnight."

Turning away from the closed door, Ichijo faced his circle of friends. "Dorm President Kuran seems to have secluded himself in his room, hasn't he?" One of them asked solemnly.

"You haven't stirred up trouble again, have you?" Kain deadpanned, eyeing Aido, who appeared affronted by the accusation.

"As if!..." Aido sighed. "Besides, if I did, he'd reprimand me on the spot."

"True enough," Kain concurred, while Ruka appeared apprehensive. "Let's not dwell on it. He likely has matters weighing on his mind. Let's all retire for the night." Ichijo offered Ruka a reassuring smile, attempting to alleviate her concerns.

"Lord Ichijo," a feminine voice called out, prompting him to respond with a soft hum. "I've gathered all the books you requested. Shall I take them to your room?" They watched as Ichijo's unnamed maid balanced a towering stack of books, flanked by two cloaked figures.

"Oh, s-sorry... Please do," the blonde stammered, shooting an awkward glance at his maid. She hesitated, eyeing her master. "Um... where is Lord Kuran?" Her gaze swept the room, searching for the absent lord.

"You need to see him?" Ichijo inquired, stepping closer to examine the document she held out. "A request to stay at the dormitory has been submitted by a visitor." He took the document, his eyes widening in disbelief as he read the name. "N-no, why?!"

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