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Y/n headed towards a hidden location in the middle of the night, everyone at the academy asleep by now… she was dressed in a male attire, trying to appear older in Yuki's body.  She was smirking, fixing up her black tie into place before walking inside the building, greeting the leader of the supposed bar with a seductive smirk. “This no place for a female, rather an underaged female to be.” The woman clad in dark green dress, showing of her voluptuous figure, looking disappointedly at the female in front of her, nodding back and forth in disappointment. Y/n looked annoyed at the mistress before throwing blocks of money.

 The head mistress stared at the money for a moment or two before smirking at y/n, gesturing with her fingers to follow her flirtingly. Y/n smirked satisfied before heading inside the private room to sit down in one of those fancy chair, legs crossed over the other, arms confidently at the sides of the chair. “Ladies, come and greet the young master!” the headmistress screamed with glee. Suddenly girlish screams were heard as they headed inside where y/n was located. Y/n looked at each female with a well pleased look. She threw more money in their direction, making the females happier and their screams of glee getting higher in pitch as they run towards where Y/n was sitting. Two ladies in particular was dancing in a very sensual way, as a way to bring a certain vibe to the room, another waving a fan in your direction while her friend fed you grapes. Y/n pointed towards her cheeks as the girls giggled and kissed her on the cheeks. More money was thrown as the giggling got higher and higher, letting everyone outside know what was going inside the private room.

“AHHHHHHH NOOOOOOO YUKI, MY DAUGHTER! THIS IS ILLIGAL DON'T DO ITTTTT AHHHHHHHHHH” horrified Kaien woke up with a scream, panting heavily.

…it was just a dream?

Kaien sprung up so fast, running towards his daughter's room, still terrified by his dream. Banging his fist repeatedly as he screamed for his daughter to open up. “DAUGHTER, PLEASE OPEN UP! OPEN PLEEEASEE!” The door opened to see you standing in your burgundy pajamas , glaring up at the father in question. He grabbed your shoulder to shake you back and forth asking if you went to a female strip club last night. “What the fuck are you saying? Why would I ever go there? To catch a disease? Did you hit your head or something?” You looked at him annoyed and in disbelief before shoving him to the side. Muttering about why you were woken up so early, closing the door to go back to sleep.  Kaien let out a deep breath of relief,  grateful that everything was just a horrible horrible dream. He went back up to his quarters to sleep again, this time in peace.


Zero and you were currently at the headmaster's office again. One person really annoyed with their principal for waking her up in the morning! And the other still feeling guilty about having bitten you last night. Kaien held up a bracelet, avoiding your glare completely… a bit scared of you honestly. “This is a spell used by Vampire hunters long ago to tame vampires. The bracelet I gave you, Yuki and this tattoo work together.” Kaien showed how the bracelet  works by putting it near Zero's tattoo, watching as a small red spark turned to huge flames shooting in all directions, shoving just how effective it was. Once the smoke cleared up, you saw Zero lying on the ground with a shocked grimace. He stared up at you both a bit lost before Kaien reassured Zero they were completely fine.

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