Chapter 4

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*smut warning for later this chapter*

Pulled down by Miu, Kokichi sat down with them. "How're you feeling, dickface? The simulation fuck you up too bad? I've got a little trouble breathing, same with bakamatsu, nothing I won't get used to though. And the other bitch has stiff joints. It's a nuisance, but hey, at least none of the shit is more than annoying."

"Ah, you know, nothing much. Just a weak heart. Soooo, when was I gonna find out that our resident robot isn't a real robot?" He winked at Kiibo.

His hope of glossing over the issue clearly failed, if the worried looks from his two friends were anything to go off of.

"Kokichi, what exactly do you mean by a weak heart?" Kiibo asked slowly.

Kokichi scoffed. "So what? My stamina is practically gone, I have to watch out for anything that could trigger a heart attack. Turns out I'm prone to those now, yay. The doctor says it might go back to normal within the next couple of months though, so I don't plan on worrying about it."

"Start with that, dumbass!" Miu yelled, tugging him against her and hugging him tightly.

"Miu! Gah! Pushing my face into your tits isn't going to help!"

She let go, ruffling his hair. "Awe, Kii, he's blushing! Isn't that cute?"

"Nu-uh! You were suffocating me!" Kokichi huffed, sitting back down with his arms crossed. "Already attempting murder on me again, so mean." He mumbled.

"Whatever you say, virgin." Miu shoved him lightly, laughing.

"I really don't know why I hang out with you two." Kiibo sighed. "So, what memories do you two have?"

"I have all my memories from the game. Shumai said I'd get my old ones back eventually too, which is weird."

"Ah, it's all weird. Memories from the game, course, and a couple from my supposed real life. Nothing much though. I'm not much different." Miu shrugged. "You?"

"I'm not sure why, but I have all of them. Game and real. My past is much different, being human and all, but I'd like to think I'm overall the same person. Kiibo is a nickname, but it's pretty much what everyone calls me anyway."

"Oh, yeah! Ko, did you know that we had different names? Well, some of us. I don't. But I was talking to bakamatsu, she does. She's got a mixture of memories, probably cause she didn't last long. How many people have you talked to, aside from pooichi?"

"Just Shu and Kaito so far. I didn't come out of my room until yesterday. How can you guys stand all this? I mean, Miu, you're acting the same as always, even though everything is gone."

Miu put an arm around him. "I didn't have much to leave. It hurts, sure, but the way I see it there's no use dwelling on it. We can't change it. Why grieve for people who never existed?"

"You're right. I know, it's just shitty. I spent weeks thinking my friends were good as dead, and now they aren't even real? The people who dragged me through the past decade and a half are just in my head, and I'm supposed to live with that?" Kokichi sighed her. "It's even worse than them being dead."

Kiibo nodded. "It isn't fair, what they put us through. We weren't supposed to remember any of this, that's what they said. But we do. And Kokichi, you're a good person, I bet there's people out there waiting for you. Friends, family, someone. Even if you don't, we're here too. We went through hell together, you more than anyone, and we're going to face this world the same way."

"Cut the philosophical bullshit, I'm trying to be depressed over here." Kokichi looked at them, a tearful grin on his face. "How exactly am I supposed to be sad when you guys are so sweet to me, huh?"

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