Chapter 5

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TW: Brief, incident misinterpreted as and referred to as r*pe

Shuichi, dangerous? No, that couldn't be right. Only their memories changed, Shuichi hated when people got hurt! So then, why? And who left this note?

Flipping it around to see if there was a signature on the back, he was met with something even more confusing.

"If you need proof, come talk to me. -Kaito"

Kaito was their best friend. Why would he be telling him Shuichi was dangerous? Of course he had questions!

Kokichi shoved the note in his pocket and, on still shaky legs, walked to Kaito's room and knocked on the door.

It wasn't long at all before it opened, he was met with Kaito looking more troubled than he'd probably ever seen him. Even when he was near death.

"Well, we both know why you're here." He sounded...defeated. Why? Kaito, of all people. Kokichi was scared to find out what he knew. No, he was letting fear get to him. Just because Kaito had said Shuichi was dangerous, he owed it to them not to believe it no questions.

Especially when, he realized, he was still full of Shuichi's cum. He'd been too caught up in thinking about the note to realize. Bad timing, much?

Kokichi went into his room and leaned against the wall. "What happened? What did they do?"

"I got a couple of memories back, that's what happened. I'm still me, I'd better stay me because I'd rather die than go back to being that person." What person? "How much has Shuichi told you, about the past."

"What, about our little threesome?" He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I guess we were all in love." Kaito cut him off before he could keep speaking.

"It wasn't fucking love. I don't remember much, just a couple of flashes. But they're bad."

"Tell me." Kokichi demanded

"The first one I was holding you to a wall, knife to your throat. Shuichi was standing nearby, just smirking. Second, Shuichi was, well, inside you. You guys were having sex. And you were fucking begging them to stop. It makes me sick to think I was ever like that. The whole only changing our memories thing is fucking bullshit."

Kokichi felt like crying. Finding out he'd been dating two people he liked, only to discover they'd both horribly abused him. Kaito couldn't remember much, so he needed answers from Shuichi. And he wasn't scared, just angry. Angry at himself for trusting them, and at them for lying.

He nodded, not trusting his voice, before running out of the room.

He pounded on Shuichi's door, and they opened it with a smirk.

"Back for another round already, love?" They teased.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He hissed, and Shuichi's face dropped to concern.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? What's wrong is that, turns out, our little loving relationship was abusive as fuck! Kaito told me."

"Don't yell that out here!" Shuichi pulled him inside the room and shut the door. "Ehehe, so Kai's getting his memories back?" He was blushing, embarrassed? Why the hell was he embarrassed?

"He probably saw some things out of context, right? Ah, I should've known this would happen. It's really not what it looks like though, I swear. Neither of us would ever hurt you-"

"Bullshit! Fucking raping someone is hurting someone last I checked!"

"That's not even that weird, tons of people do roleplay like that!" They whined, covering their face. "Lots of people are into that! You begged us to do way worse than we ever did!"

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