Chapter 13

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It was Kage who'd brought it up the next day at dinner. They told Kaito that they needed to talk to him, with only the three of them. Kokichi hadn't left their side the past two days, so obviously something was wrong, and Kaito accepted without any hesitation.

"I started hurting myself again." Kage admitted, hugging themself as they sat on Kokichi's bed, their boyfriends on either side of them. "I'm sorry."

Kaito put an arm around their shoulder. "There's nothing to be ashamed of, alright? We've been through this before, Kichi and I are here for you." He sighed and ran his free hand through his hair. "Look, I know I haven't really been there for you recently. And I know that this has been the time you've needed me most. We've all been going through shit that we should've had each other for, and I shouldn't have avoided you. Sorry." He kissed the top of their head.

Kage leaned into him. "That's not it. I get it, I probably would've done the same thing in your position. Just having you in the same building as me has been a big help. I should've spoken up to either of you when I did it the first time. That was on me, and I regret it. I haven't done it since I told Koko."

"Good. Hey, let's start working out together again. I need it. You clearly do, too." Kaito grinned, squeezing Kage's arm lightly, who in return laughed softly. "Maybe it'll help you feel better. I couldn't for a while, but I'm good now."

Kokichi cocked his head to the side. "Was it your side effects? Like, how my heart is?"

"Yep, you got it." Kaito nodded. "Couldn't breathe right at first, didn't take too long to fix itself though, luckily. I've been getting restless. You can watch us, as long as you don't get horny again." He chuckled.

Kage giggled. "You do have a habit of getting really turned on watching us exercise. It ends up being a good workout for all of us." They winked.

Kokichi gasped loudly and put a hand on his chest. "I can't believe you! Here we are, having a heartfelt moment, and you're slut shaming me!" He whined.

"You're into that, so it's fine." Kaito teased, earning another whine from his boyfriend.

Kage pulled Kokichi onto their lap. "There, now you're closer to both of us."

Kokichi flushed and bit his lip.

"What's wrong?" Both Kaito and Kage said at once.

"Jeez, I'm not supposed to be this easy to read." Kokichi chuckled. "I'm just a little overwhelmed. Getting this sort of attention from just one of you is a lot, but having it from both of you at the same time is a little too much."

"Want us to tone down the teasing?" Kage cupped his cheek gently.

Kokichi huffed. "It's not just that. It's the affection, too. I'm not used to so much romantic attention. It is mostly the teasing, though. I'm not uncomfortable. Don't take it the wrong way." He said with a pointed look at Kage. "It's like what I said about sex. It's a lot."

"Suppose you're not ready for a threesome, in that case?" Kaito chuckled while ruffling his hair lightly.

"I might die." Kokichi agreed. "But there's worse ways to go, so I wouldn't be too mad."

Kage bit their lip, obviously holding back a teasing remark. Noticing this, Kokichi pouted and bonked his head gently against theirs.

"Hey, what was that for!?" Kage laughed, rubbing their forehead lightly.

"You're thinking dirty thoughts about me again, pervert!" Kokichi crossed his arms.

"It wasn't that dirty!" Kage defended.

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