Chapter Eighteen

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'Salam Alaykum, how was your day?'

'Wa Alaykum Salam, productive and yours?' Jamila glances at her brother. They are driving to her mother's house.

'Boring really.'

'That's sad.' She gives him a pitying look. 'I bet you miss me everyday.'

'Na'am Habibti.' (Yes, beloved) Zaid sighs. 'Is my brother in law treating you well?' More than I deserve.

'Yes, very.' The thought of Harun also drags out Bilal, she feels thoroughly irritated at what happened today. She's itching to tell someone and who better than her sensible brother? Then again, would that be a wise decision? She thinks it through.

'Will he stay over for dinner?'

'I didn't ask him but he might.' They sit in silence but Jamila's mind is processing so many things at once. She wants to tell spill her heart out to Zaid but how? He finally parks the car smoothly in the garage and they hop out without a word. Jamila greets her family, they confess to her how much they miss her and she greedily drinks all the attention.

'So will I be a grandmother anytime soon binti?' Aminah munches on a biscuit.

'Mamma.' Jamila rubs her eyes tiredly.

'I'm only asking so I can be prepared.'

'No mamma, not anytime soon.' Zaid watches Jamila and instantly knows something's up.

'Mamma, did you meet Mrs. Rebecca?' He intervened.

'No why?'

'I think she's not feeling well. Why don't you make her some soup?'

'Really? Ya Zaid! Why didn't you tell me before? I must visit her.' Aminah hastens to the kitchen. Jamila feels slightly relieved that her mother got so easily distracted. Zaid turns to his sister with an eyebrow raised.

'You want to tell me what's bothering you or shall we play dumb first.' Jamila stares at her brother for a good two seconds and then bursts out laughing.

'You know me too well.'

'Hmm, s'not like you're my sister or anything.' Jamila rolls her eyes and prepares to tell him everything. After filling him on what happened, Jamila feels much lighter. I needed to vent, boy did that help. 'You're guilty over a good reason but it's no reason to tell him about it.'

'Are you sure?'

'Yes, I mean we make mistakes everyday. Imagine telling the person we love all of them on a daily basis. It's impractical.' Jamila nods, he proves he's wise yet again. Brava!

'So I should just let it go.'

'Yes but watch yourself next time. Don't get carried away and fear Allah.'

'You're right.'

'Of course I am.' Zaid smirks, this scene reminds me of when I caught Jessica and Harun. My sister never went that far and I know she won't. After confiding in her brother, Jamila definitely feels the weight of the world off her shoulders. She spends the rest of the evening chatting with her mother and helping her with the soup she intends to take to her neighbor's house. It begins to rain heavily, Jamila peeps out the window and sees a storm brewing above, rain rain come this way. Ha, how I've missed the rain. I hope Harun gets here fast. Ahmed returns home from work around seven o'clock and is delighted at the sight of his daughter in his house again.

'Ya binti, you must come and see me often.' Ahmed almost commands.

'Baba, do you miss me?' His daughter smiles cheekily at him.

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