Chapter Twenty Two

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The next morning, Harun made it a point to go to the Masjid for Fajr. He prayed his heart out and didn't rise from his position till he felt that he'd been forgiven. He accused a person of something outrageous and to think that this person is someone dear to his heart, makes it worse. He'd finally decided to leave, he wandered around on his own, lost in thought, confused at his behavior when he'd remembered his sister's words. Hafsa warned him but he brushed it off and now he had to pay the price. On his way home, he had stopped at a florist shop and bought white creamy roses. Jamila had the day off and so did he, well sort of.

He planned to spend the whole day with her, to prove how sorry he is when she'd said that she promised to meet her parents. They'd upped and readied themselves; they were in the living room listening to tales of Jamila's childhood. She'd covered her face while Zaid explained exactly how she slapped the neighbor's son for calling her brother a 'smelly rat.' Needless to say that boy spent the entire week in his room, humiliated that a girl would dare to do that.

'Walla Harun you should've been there.'

'Ya Zaid, you're embarrassing your sister.' Aminah defended. Zaid ignored his mother's half stern expression.

'Mamma, do you know what Josh said after that? He said, she was the prettiest girl he'd ever seen.' Abdullah gave his brother a high five and laughed his heart out.

'When did he say that?' Jamila gasped.

'The week after you pretty much changed his life.' Harun had been enjoying the story up until that part came up. If I meet this Josh...

'You're exaggerating! He would have never said that.'

'You think I want to accept it?' Zaid dramatically places his hand over his chest. A chubby eight year old with a chocolate bar in one hand and a bat in the other. How cute.' Harun chuckled. That is cute! They had teased each other some more and blatantly engaged in name calling.





'At least I'm tall.' Zaid pinched his sister.

'You're a waste of my time.' She twisted his ear in return.

'Oh pardon me your highness.'

'Ya Zaid, grow up!' Aminah frowned at them. 'We're meeting your lover tomorrow. Jamila be ready at four.'

'What?' Jamila exclaimed. Harun was thoroughly amused by this.

'Yes. Wear something nice.' With that she'd disappeared. That evening changed many lives. One, is Jamila; from being the princess of the family she has to accommodate a new member of the family. Second, is Zaid; he could no longer persistently bully his sister rather he has to open up to the new woman he now vows to protect and provide for. Third, is surprisingly Harun; he has to put aside his need for consolation and listen attentively to his wife complain about wedding preparations. Which is exactly what he's doing right now, four months later.

'It's unbelievable! Harun Walla, I felt like throwing something at him.'

'Hmm.' Harun watches her pace the room with a t-shirt over her shoulder.

'If it wasn't for Zaid-'

'You would've fired him.' He completes her sentence, this has to be the fiftieth time I'm hearing this. Patience, she's only hormonal. Give her five more months. Bear with it.

'Yes exactly!'


'I mean it's only lights! I said, put it on the other side of the throne but did he listen? No. I told Soraya about this and she didn't seem to mind!' Jamila throws the t-shirt in the bin and begins raiding her cupboard. Harun is leaning against his headboard with his arms crossed.

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