10. Shocking Revelation

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Saturday, 3:08pm

The batter is poured into the baking tray with utmost concentration. Jamila swipes the glass bowl clean with a spatula and dumps it in the sink. After tapping the baking tray against the counter to ensure the batter has spread to the corners, she slips it inside the pre-heated oven. The main goal has been accomplished and that is - baking banana bread.

Jamila woke up with a craving for a soft loaf of it and decided that baking it at home seemed the best option. She spent her morning reviewing her Quran lesson with her teacher online residing all the way in Toronto, Canada. She corrected her errors and reminded Jamila to practice the Surahs (chapters) she memorised. Jamila thanked her abundantly to which the teacher replied, "BarakAllahu Fi 'Ilmika Wa 'Amaluk." (May Allah place blessings in your knowledge and deeds).

Then she moved onto research about psycho-education. It's an approach taken by the practitioner when dealing with a client where you inform them of their symptoms and help them understand their disorder or mental health issue better. This way the client isn't confused about what they're going through and they put it in a strong effort to get better. Jamila decided that when speaking to Amy this is definitely something that might work.

Dr. Adrienne called her and organised a quick zoom meeting for all counsellors. "We at Bloom want everyone to grow. This means having to branch out and try new things even if it might intimidate us." Her rich voice echoed through the laptop speakers. Jamila nodded and smiled in agreement. "So this is why I think Jamila should conduct the next workshop for women." Jamila swallowed hard, whilst the others clapped kindly. Uh what? When? How in God Almighty's great earth did this happen?

"Actually do you really think that's a good idea?" She laughs forcefully.

"Oh absolutely. Jamila will do a superb job." Shabna chirped. You traitor. You're dead meat.

"I agree. Plus you're new and this will be a brilliant start to your journey with us."

"Right of course. It's just that I've never done something like this before."

"Ah." She waved a hand as if to shun any insecurities Jamila might have. "It's easy. To begin, does anyone have some topics in mind? Please don't read or quote the Cosmo for inspiration because that thing is nasty sometimes." Everyone laughed heartily at that. Dr. Adrienne is an African American woman with undeniable charm and suave. She's a medical doctor who chose to tread the path of psychology in order to help troubled youth and drug addicts. Jamila read her profile on the Bloom website this morning and was in awe of her.

"Ooh plenty. There's time management, inner-strength, self-care slash me-time and-" Shabna's connection dropped a little in between but she went on listing topics without discouragement. Dr. Adrienne was very interested while Jamila hurriedly jotted down every word so she could put together a decent amount of content to put into a proposal for her supervisor to approve. The meeting continued for a little longer and swiftly ended with a reminder to be on time on Monday.

Alhamdulillah. Jamila smiles contently and hops onto the island chair. She's grateful for what she achieved this morning. She loves using the morning hours for her studies and work. She's able to get a lot finished and naturally so because the Prophet (peace be upon him) said; "O Allah, bless my nation in their early mornings (i.e., what they do early in the morning)." Now all she's waiting for is her dear cousin Aaliyah.

As if on cue, her phone buzzes.

"Assalamu Alaykum, kayfa hal?" (How are you?) Jamila grins. She's excited for her cousin. I mean who would give up on an opportunity to tease your cousin mercilessly when her fiancé stands a few feet away? No one. That's who.

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