2. The Prayer

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Sunday, 7:55pm

As soon as Jamila gets home she hastens to the kitchen. Her brothers- Abdullah the eldest and Zaid the second eldest-are already seated at the kitchen island laughing rather boisterously as they notice her. The island is covered in chips so Jamila pops one in her mouth and sits beside Zaid.

"Assalamu Alaykum, how was the shopping trip?"

"Wa Alaykum Salam. It was dreadful." Jamila groans and rubs her temple. All I want to do is have a shower and go to sleep.

"I'll never understand why girls need so many clothes."

"Tell me about it."

"I had a good time." Her mother chirps as she rounds the counter and drops the house key in a tiny ornament. Her father smiles at his wife and kisses her forehead before heading up to his study.

"Of course you did." Jamila mutters under her breath.

"I still can't believe Aliyah's getting married. It feels like just yesterday we were running around throwing mud at each other." Zaid shares thoughtfully. The imagery makes Jamila and Abdullah laugh.

"I know but she's happy and that's all that matters."

"Of course but imagine what Fatih will go through." Fatih is Aliyah's older brother. He's the definition of overprotectiveness. Jamila thought her brothers overreacted when she gets a little male attention but really Fatih took it to a whole other level.

"He'll get over it." Zaid scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"It's not something you just get over Jamila" He shakes his head. "I can't imagine letting you go." He frowns and gobbles more chips. The thought of leaving her family makes Jamila feel a little empty. I grew up with these goofballs. Could I ever leave them?

"Aw you're going to miss me if I get married." She teases her brother to make light of the matter.

"You're not going anywhere Jami."

"Don't say that Zaid. Anything is possible." Her mother says while grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He demands and looks to Abdullah.

"Is there someone? Have you met a boy? What's his name? Oh my God he is so dead." Abdullah exclaims.

"Calm down Dwayne Johnson."

"Zaid, don't tell me you don't care." Great, my brothers are lunatics.

"Of course I do but Jamila's not going anywhere."

"Don't sound so sure ya Zaid." Her mother taunts. "He's very handsome and he's a doctor!"

"Mom you're making a big deal over nothing." Jamila tries to tone down the situation before her brothers blow a fuse. Seriously nothing even happened.

"No I'm not. Allah is Shaheed over what happened back there." (Witness) Aminah whirls her wooden spoon in the air like a fairy God mother.  Wallah I can't deal with these people.

"This dude is going to be Shaheed soon. That's all I can say." (Martyr).

"I think I'm with you on this." Zaid pounds his brother's fist with a wicked grin. Jamila can only hope they're joking but she knows them all too well. Once in high school, Imad Ja'far just happened to look at her for too long and Abdullah pinned him on the ground while Zaid whacked him repeatedly with his schoolbag. According to them, he was a pervert who preyed on young girls like Jamila.

"Nothing happened."

"Obviously something did otherwise mom wouldn't have brought it up." Zaid says calmly. Jamila stands and walks towards the fridge to get a glass of juice. Trust Zaid to be the voice of clarity and reason at a time like this. "What I don't understand is how you met this dude."

Under That Scarf (Editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora