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please Read the massage at the ending of the chapter

It's been 2 hours since it taehyung took that lady in the hospital, now she's in ICU . The doctors are saying that the patient and her child's life is in danger , they're trying to save both of them .

Taehyung is sitting outside , feeling anxious. He's concerned for them.he doesn't know what to do , should he call his hyungs ? But jin hyung is on a business trip and jimin ....... Yes he can call jimin .

As soon as he takes his mobile to call jimin, loud cries by an innocent voice knock at his ears . He Wonder what it would be , girl or boy. He doesn't know why he's feeling excited to know. Feeling excited after six years.

He totally forget that he has to call jimin and stare at the ICU room door with curious eyes.

After a few minutes the door opens and doctor comes outside and behind him a nurse who's holding a tiny being in her arms.

Taehyung was mesmerize even he didn't see the face of the baby , the doctor keep calling his name but he doesn't remove his eyes from the baby so he call him by shaking his arms

'' Mr. Kim are u listening?'' finally taehyung come to his sense and looks at the doctor.

'' y...yes doctor '' he says while shuttering a little.

The doctor let out a sigh.
'' sorry mr. Kim we couldn't save the mother, she lost too much blood and she wanted to save her child so ...... '' the doctor said with an apologetic sad smile.

The nurse come to him and show her the baby '' congratulations it's a girl ''

Taehyung is froze on his place he doesn't know what to say, he just looks at the baby; sleeping peacefully, she's so beautiful. His heart skip a beat looking her.

At the same moment he get call from police whom he informed about the accident while coming to the hospital.

'' actually we reached at the location you told us and we investigated about it . The car belongs to mr. Lee jun ho . And the woman you took to hospital is his wife mrs. Lee hana , mr. Lee jun ho had gone to the military service few months ago but due to sudden heart attack he died last night. And today mrs. Lee was suppose to go to get his dead body ''

'' And what about their families?'' taehyung asked in a cold yet shocked voice.

'' they both were orphans. They grew together in the same orphanage so they don't have any other family members ''

Taehyung is too confuse in this situation, he doesn't know what to do how to do . Should he just leave? This is not his matter right?

But on the same time the baby's face come to his mind, She's do adorable, he thought.

He goes to the coffee machine to have some coffee since he's having headache. He takes his coffee and ready to leave but stop at his place when he hear something. There are two nurses talking about the accident lady and baby.

'' do know that lady who died sometime ago was an orphan and his husband was also orphan ''

'' yeah this is called destiny, now see baby , poor child became orphan as soon as she came to the world. Just like her parents she'll be sent to orphanage ''

'' poor baby what a bad luck she got . Senior doctors are informing different orphanages and NGO's for that girl ''

Taehyung hears a;l of their conversation and starts to feel restless. Their talks linger in his mind .

The word ' orphan ' is not unknown to him . He himself is an orphan. He can understand the pain of losing family and the baby? She's too small to endure that pain.

Taehyung throw the coffee cup 7nto the dustbin and runs to the doctors cabin and barge in the room. The doctor startle watching him .

'' what happened Are u okay?''

'' I want the child!" He says with his cold panting voice since he ran all the way to the room.

'' what are you ta....'' the doctor cut off by him '' I want to take the child. I want to take her responsibility ''

Outside the babies room....

He talked to the doctor about adoption. Since he's rich and has a lot of influences , he easily got permission and now he's outside the room. He's nervous but why??
Is a little tiny creature making him like this?
He himself doesn't know how he'll manage but one thing is for sure that he doesn't regret at all.

Assalamualaikum guys, I hope y'all r good
I'm do sorry for late updates , I know it's unprofessional but I was stuck in huge mess.

I had exams and at the same time my mom diagnosed with dengue, so it was really hard for me.
I'll try to update as soon as I can, so please stay tune 💜🥰

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