office -1

183 11 6

Time really flies away fastly.

Now Twinkle is 5 months old and learning new activities . Nowadays she's trying to sit by herself.
The luxurious apartment of Kim Taehyung has become more lively than before.

Taehyung is enjoying  his parenthood era  a lot . Yes sometimes it becomes hard to manage between work and Twinkle but he doesn't need to be bother too much . 
Even though Twinkle is a jolly baby but like other kids she also gets cranky and annoying.

Taehyung is thankful that he has such supporting people around him  . Jin , jimin and Mrs wang are always there for him.

Just like today, Taehyung needs to attend an important meeting and Ms Twinkle is getting too naughty as she didn't wanted to leave her appa .

Even Mrs wang failed to separate her from him so Taehyung had to bring her in office as he can't skip the meeting.

The entire ride Twinkle was enjoying and squealing in joy . She really loves traveling.

By watching his daughter being so happy and delighted Taehyung made a mental note to go on  trips with his little one when she's old enough to travel.

Both father-daughter duo  reach at the grand Kim hotel . Taehyung got her out from the baby car seat and took her in his arms. He was a little nervous because this is the first time he got her out from home that too in his office.

Usually he takes her to nearby garden and that too for sometime because she's not old enough to play there .

" Welcome to the Grand Kims , Ms Kim Twinkle" Taehyung said in a formal way which him laugh at himself and Twinkle being the curious boba ball was looking at the hotel . Taehyung noticed her gaze on the hotel.

" Do you wanna go inside?" He asked her pointing at the entrance.

Twinkle got the hint and nodded her little head up-down .

Both senior and junior Kim went towards the entrance where guards were surprised to see their cold CEO carrying a baby and also smiling, it was something they never expected.

As Taehyung went inside Twinkle looked at the guards from his shoulder and gave them her toothless smile which indeed melt their heart and brought a sweet smile on their face.

Taehyung was feeling everyone's attention on him especially on his daughter so he hold her more closer to his chest and put his other hand on back of her head .

Time skip...

Nothing was usual today , everyone is whispering about Their CEO and the child he bought . Most of them are confused that who's child is this ? 
Since they don't know about his personal life so they assumed him to be a married man but it's not confirmed that the baby he bought today is his . Maybe some relative... So basically little Kim family became hot topic of the office.

On the other side , Taehyung is doing some paperwork while Twinkle is playing by herself . It's a relief she's not messing up things but still that's too early to say.

" Ayaaaayayagiffgghhjjjawwwaaaaa" Twinkle was blabbering in her baby language and Taehyung was mentally chuckling listening her .
Soon her focus went towards he father who was emerged in his work but she wants to play with him , that's why she came here.

" Aaaaiiayaaaaa" she called him and Taehyung looked at her

" Yes princess" he left his work and went to the couch where made her sit with extra cushions around for safety.

He sit beside her and she crawled to him instantly.

" Heyy, you're learning too fast , huh ? Be careful baby " he said but his words were ignored by his little baby as she was busy in pulling his ears.

" AAA don't pull my ears , is this my punishment? "

" Huu" Taehyung was surprised on her reply

" So my angel is angry with me. But now appa left all work for you so now please forgive me " Taehyung said with a pout but Ms kim was not in forgiving mood so she grabbed his pouty lips and pulled and poor Taehyung was literally getting punishment.

Knock knock

" May I come in Mr kim?" Percy came with some files.

" Come in " Taehyung immediately fixed himself still sitting on the couch.

" Sir our clients have arrived, shall we start the meeting in 15 minutes?"

" Yes, prepare the meeting room I'm coming"

" Ok sir " percy left from the cabin after passing a sweet smile to Twinkle. .

Taehyung made Twinkle sit on his lap and talked in his babytone

" So now appa and baby is going a important meeting and you've a bery important work there, you know what's that?" Twinkle kept looking at his face trying to understand what he said.

" Ms Kim Twinkle, you've to keep quiet and maintain the peace of the place, I hope you can do this much." Taehyung said and then laughed at her confused face.

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