Chapter I

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[I.] Felled Heart

] Felled Heart

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The Vale
277 A.C.

"Welcome to the Eyrie, Lady Cassandra."

Cassandra Baratheon dismounted from her horse as gracefully as she could before turning to face the lord of the Eyrie. A small smile made its way onto her face at the warm welcome she received from the older man she considered an uncle. 

Her father had long since regaled tales of the War of the Ninepenny Kings and of his glory days of fighting alongside Lord Rickard Stark of Winterfell and Lord Jon Arryn of the Vale. From their alliance, they established lifelong friendships with one another. 

A few years ago, her father sent Robert to be fostered at the Vale under the guidance of Lord Arryn while she had been sent to King's Landing as a ward of Queen Rhaella. Despite the distance, the two siblings wrote to each other frequently and from his letters, Cassandra had come to learn of Robert's adventures and companions. 

Lord Arryn had become somewhat of a second father to her brother while the second son of Lord Rickard Stark had become somewhat of a brother. That was the reason why he had opted to stay in the Vale while she had returned home to resume her duties while her father traveled to King's Landing to take his place in the small council. 

Still, she missed her eldest brother dearly so not long after she returned home to Storm's End, she had written to Lord Arryn to ask him if it would be alright to surprise her brother with a visit. He had replied quickly, writing back that she would always be welcome to his stronghold. 

"Thank you, Lord Arryn. I am glad to finally set my eyes on the wonderful Eyrie and to meet the great man that my brother has written countless letters about." Cassandra answered, still in awe of the marvelous castle made of fine white stone and laced with great history. 

"You flatter me, my lady. Now come, I am sure that you are weary from your travels. Let me lead you to your chambers." Lord Arryn chuckled, offering her his arm. 

Cassandra nodded, slipping her arm through his as her guards followed after them. When they had reached the chambers prepared for her, Lord Arryn left her to freshen up and informed her that they were to have a midday meal in a while. 

With a promise to join them soon, Cassandra was left to her own devices. Finally left alone, she let out a relieved sigh before falling face-first on her bed. It had been a while since she had slept in a real bed and it took everything in her not to fall into a deep slumber. 

Forcing the sleep from her veins, she stood from the bed and removed the thick cloak from around her shoulders. Thankfully, there was a bowl of clean water for her to wash her face, and after tidying herself, she called for her maid to help her get dressed. 

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