Chapter XIII

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[XIII.] Inferno

Cassandra looked up at the sound of the door opening

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Cassandra looked up at the sound of the door opening. 

She had been writing letters on her desk, bored from doing nothing all day. She was visited by the queen from time to time with Prince Viserys but other than servants and guards, no one else was allowed to enter her chambers. 

Cassandra missed Elia and Ashara dearly, often wondering how they were doing, if they were safe. She tried to be strong but there were times when she teared up, wishing she was with them and not all alone. 

She missed little Rhaenys's laughter and Aegon's rare giggles. Most of all, she missed Owain and she hoped that he was alright, that he was safe despite all that had happened. She would never forgive herself if anything happened to him. 

A small smile made its way onto her face once she saw who it was. Other than the queen, there was another who kept her company, another whose company and whose help she appreciated. He was only supposed to guard her but unlike the others, he was much friendlier. 

"Hello, Ser Jaime." Cassandra greeted, gesturing for him to sit as she finished with her correspondence. She could not actually send them but she finds that the letters comfort her and should something happen to her, the letters would be all that's left of her. 

"Lady Cassandra, I hope you do not mind my intrusion." Jaime spoke politely, though he did not take a seat, his hands fidgeting nervously. "I'm afraid this isn't a typical visit. As much as I wish it." 

"Is something the matter? Has something happened?" Cassandra asked, standing up, her mood darkening as she thought of what else could have occurred.  

"Lord Rickard Stark has arrived and he has been arrested. His trial is to begin soon and His Grace has called for you and Lord Brandon to be brought to the throne room as soon as possible." Jaime was quick to explain, gesturing for them to go soon. 

Unlike the other guards who had restrained her quite forcefully, Jaime had sensed her urgency and perhaps granted her the courtesy of letting her walk on her own as they both hurried to the throne room. 

However, before they could enter, his hand reached out to grab her wrist, halting her steps immediately. His voice was hushed as he whispered to her. "My lady, I do not know what is going to happen. You must promise not to do anything rash or I will not be able to protect you." 

"Protect me? Am I in danger?" She asked, her whole form tensing at the thought. She had never considered herself to be one of any worth. She was a noble lady, to be sure, but she was a mere sister to a lord, no one ever tried to harm her for there was no benefit to it. 

"Things are not as they were before and the king, he is not the same." He spoke slowly though they both knew what he was insinuating, having heard of the king's dwindling insanity ever since he was abducted and held in Duskendale.

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