Chapter XVII

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[XVII.] Family Line

It was as if Cassandra was a prisoner once more

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It was as if Cassandra was a prisoner once more. 

No one would tell her anything about what has taken place outside. She had managed to pry from Ned that Ashara had escaped through the harbor, through one of the merchant ships. It had given her hope that since her friend escaped, then the others could have too.

Yet no matter how much she would ask Ned about Elia, about Jaime, about the children, he would give her such vague answers, only assuring her that all would be answered once Robert arrived. 

Still, it was not as easy to talk to him. They had not spoken of it at all. Their broken betrothal, his marriage to Catelyn Tully, and everything else. Every time she would try to bring it up, he would claim that she needed her rest and would leave immediately. 

Before their betrothal, Ned had been her friend but now, it seems that he was not even that. He was more a stranger now to her than anything else.  

Cassandra had heard of her brother's injuries and how grave they had been, but when she heard that he was on his way to King's Landing, she knew that she should not have doubted his capabilities. 

Her brother was alright. He was alive. He was one less person to worry about. Even so, she would stand on her balcony to watch for her brother's retinue dressed in one of her simple gowns and a small veil to cover her hair. 

It was weak of her to hide her hair underneath a piece of white cloth but she could not stand the idea of others seeing how the king had diminished her. Her neck had healed enough that there was no need to use the medicines given by one of the maesters but there were scars that remained unseen. 

Cassandra did not think she could ever speak of them for how could she begin to explain her failures and her uselessness in the war that had killed thousands if not millions? 

Her thoughts were put on hold as a loud knock sounded on the door. Calling for the person to enter, Cassandra stood from her seat and brushed off imaginary dust from her dress. Thinking it was Ned, she plastered a typical smile, a practiced one to assure him that she was alright.

Instead, the person that entered brought forth tears from her eyes as her eyes met identical blue ones. She was instantly transported back to a time when she had been a little girl, running to her eldest brother's room after suffering from a nightmare. It felt like the nightmare was over just seeing him. 

"Hello, little doe." Robert greeted, looking worse for wear and quite tired, though relieved to see her alive and well. When they saw each other in the past, they would banter and argue first thing but at present, they were simply happy to see the other still alive after everything. 

He opened his arms for her and Cassandra did not hesitate to run into his arms, wrapping her own around his waist as she once did as a child. He held her close to him, for once not being opposed to such affections. 

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