Chapter IV

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[IV.] Foggy Ideals

Storm's End278 A

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Storm's End
278 A.C.

Lord Steffon's tourney was a grand event with nobles from all over the realm traveling to Storm's End to take part in the festivities. 

Tents were raised all around the open field, the different colors colliding as the seals of most of the houses gathered in preparation for the tourney. Yellow stags, white watchtowers, red dragons, and even red sunbursts.

There was to be jousting, contests of all sorts, and feasting. The servants throughout the whole Keep had been busying themselves with preparations for food and drinks while the men practiced and trained with lances, spears, and shields. 

With her curiosity getting the better of her, Cassandra found herself exploring the grounds, seeing that her father had spared no expense with the grandeur of every event. Luckily, she was not alone for she was with her dearest friend who had come to visit. 

"Even the dragon prince is here! This is sure to be fun." Ashara Dayne mused, smirking at her friend. 

"With Robert's and Arthur's protectiveness, I doubt we will be able to do anything out of their sight." Cassandra responded, looking back to see their brothers deep in conversation. 

"They hover over us like gossiping maids but that doesn't mean that we cannot escape when they are not looking. I have heard that there are men already throwing javelins on the eastern side." Ashara suggested with a mischievous smile, tugging her friend in that direction. 

"I know what you are thinking, Ashara but if my father and our brothers find out, they will murder us." Cassandra shot her a knowing look. 

Ashara shrugged innocently as she continued to lead them to where some events were already taking place. "What is so wrong about wanting to watch such events?" 

Cassandra raised a brow. "Do you mean to tell me that it has nothing to do with the fact that the men are clothed merely in breeches?" 

Ashara exclaimed excitedly, successfully avoiding the lances being carried to the jousting area. "Exactly! Don't tell me that you are suddenly no fun all because you are betrothed." 

Cassandra stiffened at the reminder, having put it off her mind for some time now yet thankfully, Ashara did not notice. Sighing, she knew that there would be no changing her friend's mind. "Fine. But only for a little while. I was serious about our brothers murdering us." 

"We'll be alright. They weren't even looking." Ashara reasoned as they emerged into one of the clearings where men were throwing javelins into the air, attempting to outdo one another in the distance it lands. 

It was the first time Cassandra had witnessed an event such as that, having been sheltered by her overbearing septa whenever such tourneys would take place in Storm's End. Truth be told, it was fascinating to see the men compete with one another as they sought to throw the heavy metal spears heavy into the sky. 

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