Chapter XXXIV

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[XXXIV.] All Good Things

Calculating emerald eyes looked out the window, skimming the view of Blackwater Bay

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Calculating emerald eyes looked out the window, skimming the view of Blackwater Bay. 

The figure's hand reached out for the golden chalice sat atop the table before bringing it to their mouth with a sour smirk. The red wine sloshed from the cup messily as the figure greedily gulped up the bitter liquid. 

A hooded man approached slowly, his hand extended out and the figure scoffed, dropping a bag full of coins into the man's waiting grasp. 

"It shall be done." The man ominously said, bowing hastily and leaving the room. No one wanted to be in those chambers for longer than necessary. Especially with the queen's foul mood. 

Cersei smiled, recalling memories that had forced her hand. Despite her new position as queen, it was not enough to satisfy her, not until all past sins had been accounted for. 

When she heard the news that her father had successfully betrothed her to Robert Baratheon, she was nothing but overjoyed. She was to be queen, as she had always wanted, just as she always knew she would. 

If she could not be one as the wife of the Dragon Prince, then she would be one with the Baratheon king. One thing led to another and she soon learned that her husband was not what she expected. 

Her husband was a drunken brute who called out the names of his past lovers. He spent his days drinking to quell his sorrows regarding Lyanna Stark and his sister. His dreadful sister.  

His knights were blindly loyal, turning a blind eye to everything he would do to her. Everything he would do behind her back. 

Even her own brother, his conscience darkened by his actions, remained firm in his decision to stay far away from her as he remembered his friend. 

Cassandra Baratheon, now Martell, was a constant present at court despite being shipped off to Dorne. Even far as Sunspear was not enough to make people forget her. 

Everyone had adored her when she was younger and now that she was gone, whispers of her still lingered. She was brought up in conversations almost all the time and praised for her strength.

Many had pitied her when she was forced to marry the Dornish prince, having heard of his barbaric ways and deceitful tongue. 

Cersei had been victorious upon hearing the news. After the humiliation she suffered at her hands, she wanted the Baratheon girl punished, and what better punishment than marriage to such a man?

However, her joy turned out to be short-lived when her own husband turned out to be a sadistic savage who hated her beyond all reason, especially when he believed her to be the reason he had to send his dear sister away. 

Still, she had taken comfort in the fact that Cassandra Baratheon was suffering too. Cassandra Baratheon was not queen. 

She would be married to a second son from far away who would be treating her just as bad if not worse.

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