Box Ivy

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It's been six months already since you interacted with your soulmates.From learning all your mistakes you began to change various things of yourself while doing your daily routine.Your eyes has always been covered up with black non reflective sunglasses be it inside nor outside, your clothing style taste changed from calming cottage core into the now and days comforable gothic streetwear, and to top it off dyed your beautiful (H/C) hair became (F/C) instead.

Oh.I almost forgot to say that Harely and Ivy invite you to their place one moved in four months ago.No regrets nor fucks given.

"Babe can I braide your hair?" Ivy noticed you from afar, not fully awake due to the late night shift, yawns as the smell of brew coffee hits your nostrils.

In Ivy's hand she gives you your breakfast and coffee "Do you want a french braid or fish tale?" you shrug your shoulders, so Ivy chose to do the frist one.

As this happens Harely came around, a box with several holes in it in her arms, noticed you not eating your food.It was gonna get cold.

Setting it down she comes over to helps you "Morning marshmello!~" kissed your cheek, soon to which begins to feed you a strip of bacon "Now say 'aw' for me!" you did just that, even after Ivy was done, let Harely enjoy her time hand feeding you.

As Ivy was cleaning up the dishes she spots Max sniffing the box weirdly.She didn't know what is in it but whatever it was Max was overly determined to find out.With or without permission...

"So Harely, where did you go today?" Ivy sips her tea, grimaced at the lack of sugar in it to which adds some her self.

Harely shrugs "Ya know the drill!Beating up bad guys, mess with people's lives, come back home and enjoy to with my soulmates, and yadyadyad!" she perks up to find Max ripping off the ribbon, immediately rushing towards him and the box "Max!No!Bad boy!"

He seemed to never been called a 'bad boy' before.His reaction to it was to continue his actions, and to Harely's displeasure, pulls it off so hard the box flops over with a hefty thumb before a small black and white boxer puppy came rolling out of it.

Your eyes widen not just in shock but complete awe "OH MY GOD IT'S SO CUTE!" you basically dropped everything to pick up the small baby, Max doing a happy dance around you,  Harely frowns while Ivy smiles at your joy.

"Where did you have the time and money to get a fucking puppy Harely?" Ivy comes over to confront her, Harely not as upset but also eager to hold the pup.

"It so happens I find this one in a trash can." She says, now making grabbing hands for the puppy "Marshmallow!Can I hold the puppy now!"

You let her, which she squeals at how cute it was, then turn to Ivy who eyes Harely with the puppy.Kinda concern but not entirely.


She turns to you, confused "Yes love?"

Smiling you shake your head, pointing at the puppy in Harely's arms "Ivy should be her name."

She thinks about it, considering how confusing it will be to have a dog name after her, but finds it a good fit for the infant pup.Ivy the boxer puppy.Yeah, that sounds good to her.

Stretching you now knew what your gonna do today "Imma go change real quick, something warm." then run off to your shared room.

As your busy changing Max was whimpering and crying at Harleys feet.He dearly wants to meet his new baby sister, be it a golden retriever or not, he just wants to dearly see her.His happy dance seemed to gain the attention of both villainesses, who thought about it, but soon puts her on the ground.

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