Chapter 1

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(Chapter song 'Bad Romance' by Halestorm)


I watch the waiter set the dessert down on the table. I'm leaning my but on the edge of it while I listen to the most pathetic exchange ever. It's sickening. Why can't people just fall in love like they used to back in the day instead of playing these back and forth games? I hate this slow burn crap.

"This really was a lovely dinner." The brunette says on my left. "I really love our time together."

The dark haired man on my right smiles as he dips into his crème brûlée. "I do too. Mmm...This is wonderful." He says with his mouthful. My eyes roll back into my head.

"I was hoping we could talk more about us moving in together." She says.

He puts his spoon down and wipes his lips with his napkin. "Darling, we did talk about it."

"I just think...we should take things to the next level." She smiles sweetly to her man who seems a bit put off.

"Sweetheart. I know that's what you want, but I'm just not ready for that level of commitment." He says, putting more crème in his stupid mouth.

I growl in my shield and spin around. I flare my eyes as I lean on the table. "Are you kidding?" I motion to her. "She's into you, dude. Just fucking cherish her already!" I stand and throw my hands out to the side.

They can't see me for good reason. My job would be a lot harder if they could. What's my job? I put guys like this in their place and open their eyes when they're just too stupid to see what's in front of them.

Usually, we let these things run naturally, but there's a select few who get a visit from Eros. Our head Heart Matcher. He goes out and makes special couples who need each other. The problem? He's an imbecile! He messes up his shots more times than not. What happens then? They call me.

It's my job to clean up his messes. To find and force the lovers on the fate roster together. These people are your friends to lovers, enemy to lovers or absolutely clueless like this guy. I fix the lost hearts, take them to the Infatuation Office in the Cosmos and go home. That's it. I'm very good at what I do. I have a 100% kiss rate. I've never missed a mark in my whole career. For that, I'm climbing the ladder. With this last grab, I'll be heading to the Alphas and I can't wait.

Mr. Dumbass here, is the last Beta on my list. After I get his heart straight, it's off to Paris, the city of love, to celebrate my new wings.

Just need to get this jerk back on track.

He sips his wine, pulls out his phone and starts surfing on it.

I whip my head to the girl and thumb to him. "You really want this? Lady, you need to grow a pair." I shake my head.

"Don't you love me?" She squeaks.

"It's not that. It's just...I have more important things on my plate." He doesn't even look at her.

I bite my cheek and glare at him from inside my invisibility shield. "You really have this whole narcissistic game down, don't you? Alright." I push off the table and walk back to the middle of the restaurant. "You asked for it."

I lick my lips, kiss the palm of my hand and lower it. My eyes glow pink as I blow across my hand and my kiss flies off my hand like an arrow shot. It zooms across the room straight into his temple. I lower my hand and smirk as the impact shatters a cloud of pink dust all over him and his aura rises around him. He looks around confused, rubbing the side of his head.

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