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N.J was half asleep at the dining table, his cheek turning red from the pressure of his palm holding his head up. Cameron was looking between Mila and I in a 'I told you so' way, but Mila was too invested in her conversation with aunty Beth. Per usual, Beth had arrived drastically early and had been here since before the table had even be set. Mick, her mate, was just happy to watch her bounce around excitedly, catching up with everyone while we waited for the others to arrive. 

She was currently retelling Mila the story of how she had met Mick while visiting as a soldier from another pack way back when N.J was born. We had heard this same story a million times, but Mila never failed to hang onto every word like it was the most romantic tale she had ever heard. Her wolf is a bit of a hopeless romantic like that; they're both very excited to meet their mate.

I knew from the diaries that her own parents' love story was less than romantic.

"How is Mike doing?" Cameron asked Mick, "It's a shame he can't come to these things."

"He's not cool enough to know the wolf secret." Mick boasted smugly, "He, Heather and Fred are the only ones who haven't been told, you know?"

"If we had reasonable cause to tell them, we would." Cam sighed, "Unfortunately, they don't have a reason to know like the rest of us. The elders would never clear it."

I could hear commotion by the front door and couldn't help the smile that finally slipped onto my face as I sensed who it was. Before I knew it, I was being engulfed in a suffocating hug as aunty Ava wrapped her arms around me, tussling my hair. I knew she was coming, but it always warmed my mood to see her bright expressions whenever she saw me. It felt good to be welcomed so openly and keenly.

"Well, if it isn't my favourite nephew! I'd say sorry to Noah Junior but he seems to be asleep." Ava cooed, "You've grown so big!"

"I literally saw you the other week." I cringed away from her grasp.

"And yet you've grown! You'll be taller than the trees soon enough."

She finally let me go as she realised she'd left her husband to carry the bags by himself, running back down the hallway to give him a hand. She only returned with one bowl, however, unable to carry much in her state. Aunty Ava was my favourite because she was the only one who really understood my perspective. Once I was old enough to understand, Ava had explained to me that when Xavier and Cameron first met she was put into a position where she was scared that the pack would isolate her for being involved with the Alpha, Luna and Beta, and how she had to work through all the negatives that came with that. 

Ever since I was old enough to recognise people's behaviours changing around me, she had been there to guide me through it and comfort me when things got tough. Always patient and always understanding of my frustrations; especially when I received my own pack role and had to accept that my wolf was largely uninterested in socialising with the rest of the pack, making matters worse.

"Oscar insisted on bringing coleslaw to brunch for some reason. Not really a brunch food if you ask me, but whatever." Ava announced, placing the tin-foil covered bowl on the table.

"Everything is appreciated." Gracie patted his back, removing the tin foil for serving.

"Who else are we waiting on now?" Xavier appeared, not wearing a suit for once in his life.

"Phil and Margie can't make it today, so nobody now." Cameron clapped his hands, "Let's eat!"

"Where the fuck am I?" N.J grumbled, the clap startling him out of his slumber.

"Up late last night, young man?" Xavier chided, "What have I told you?"

"I was just fascinated by the book I was reading." N.J lied through his teeth, "Couldn't pry my eyes off the page until I found out what happened to the dinosaurs."

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