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Waking up to N.J pouncing on top of you first thing in the morning is never a pleasant feeling. He was a growing boy and it knocked the wind out of me to have his entire weight collapsed onto my chest suddenly. How charming.

"Xan, wake up."

I pulled the pillow over my head, trying to shove him off of me to ignore him. After leaving Nico's last night, I had had a pretty late night. We had watched a film and lounged in his living room at complete opposite ends of the sofa but it was nice all the same. He made me laugh.

"Alexandros Greg Gille, wake the hell up. Ava has had her baby."

That was enough to make me pounce out of bed, eyes wide and heart pounding. The baby was finally here! I was both dazed and alert in my surprise.

"Get dressed." Mila chucked a hoodie at me, "It's raining."

My eyes wandered to the window and I fought back the smile. It was raining. It was the kind of misty rain that left a coating on your skin so light that it was barely noticeable. The most refreshing kind of rain.

"Is she okay? Everything went okay? She's not due yet." 

"As happy and healthy as you can be after pushing out a watermelon sized infant."

N.J, Mila and I jogged down the stairs. It was still dark out and the dash of my car told me it was three in the morning. I'd had only a half hour sleep but it was definitely worth it to go and see Oscar and Ava's newborn.

"She looked ready to pop weeks ago so I'm not surprised she's early." N.J chattered away, "Her stomach was huge."

"Big baby." Mila laughed, "It'll come out six foot tall."

Pulling into the carpark of the pack hospital, we all rushed to reception. A bubbling feeling of excitement was clogging my throat and I already felt emotional. I had been witness to the struggle Oscar and Ava had gone through since I was a child. Not being allowed to be together and fighting their relationship; it was inspirational and now they had a child on this earth.

Signing in at reception, they led us through respectfully. They obviously knew who we were and who we were there to see; the future alpha and beta were two faces ingrained into each pack members minds, regardless of age.

Knocking gently at the door, in case the baby was sleeping, I pushed the door open and saw Ava in a hospital bed. She looked flushed, her cheeks a deep pink, and had her hair pressed against the sides of her head with sweat. Next to her, Oscar was holding a small bundle in his arms. All I could see was a swaddle of white cloth.

"Perfect timing." Oscar grinned, "Come meet Ross."

"Ross?" Mila cooed, "You settled on a name?"

"After Alexandros, of course." Oscar laughed, "It was the only name we could both agree on for him."

My lip quivered and I felt the urge to cry. I was touched. Reaching my arms out, Oscar handed me the child and I finally got to see his little face. It was scrunched up in his sleep and was a warm pink colour. His black hair was curled on his head, sitting in wavy ringlets. He was perfect.

"Baby Ross, I'm Uncle Xan." I whispered to him, brushing his soft cheeks with the back of my finger. 

His eyes fluttered open and he looked up at me with wide, innocent eyes. My lip quivered and the tears let loose, rolling silently down my cheeks as I held him. He was truly a symbol of Oscar and Ava's beautiful, loving relationship; of them overcoming the hurdles to be together.

"You look just like your daddy." N.J cooed, peering over my shoulder to get a better look.

"No way, he looks like Ava. Look at his hair, it's got Ava's curls." Mila argued, stroking his soft head.

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