The car rolled into a street that was largely unfamiliar to me. Despite living in this town my entire life, I had never been to this part of town. It was the part of town that tended to have issues with anti-social behaviour and crime. In fact, the younger members of the member of the pack were restricted from coming to this area in fear of bringing unwanted attention to the pack.

"You can just drop me off here, Alex."

I turned to look at Nico with a raised brow, unsure if he was joking or not. The fact he had called me 'Alex', a name nobody called me, barely registered with me in my concern.

"I'd feel better if I dropped you to your door, Nico." I gestured around, "It doesn't look the safest."

Nico scoffed.

"I think I'll be fine, thanks."

"Nico, just let me drop you to your door."

I eyed the group of boys in hoodies stood on the corner, outside the corner shop, warily. One or two of them were wearing a balaclava and it was clear they were trying to seem intimidating. While I would have no problem, I couldn't say the same for Nico. He looked like he had never seen a fight in his life.

"Did it cross your mind that I grew up here and know those guys?" Nico grumbled, clicking the door open.

I nodded at that, realising I was probably coming across as a dick again. My focus was on safety but I could understand Nico's perspective. It still set me a little on edge to watch him climb out of my car on this random street, about to walk into the darkness alone, but I kept my mouth shut. I don't think Nico appreciates the sentiment.

"It's May. May fourteenth."

His birthday.

Nico said the words just before he closed the door, giving me a small wave and walking down an alley and into the darkness. I glanced after him before cursing, taking my keys from the ignition. As much as he would hate me for it, I physically couldn't let him walk through the dark alone. My father's words were echoing around my head and Gracie's expression haunted me.

Locking my car behind me, I jogged to catch up to him. He was getting wet in the rain so I held an umbrella over his head, falling into step beside him. He glanced over at me and rolled his eyes, but didn't protest. We walked in relative silence next to each other, the gravel under our feet crunching as we walked through the littered back alley.

Bar a man smoking his cigarette by his backdoor, it was empty. It was late, after all.

Nico pulled out a set of keys and came to a stop outside a door. It was one of those doors that had a staircase on the other side up to a top floor flat above a takeaway. There were dead plants decorating the small doorway and a porch light that evidently didn't work. I eyed the dead plants. It was clear that somebody had put a lot of love and time into them once upon a time but they had since died.

"They were my dads." Nico saw me looking, "Are my dads, I mean."

I nodded; his dad must be the one in hospital. It was a shame that they had died but I suppose it wasn't like Nico had time for them between school, the hospital and work.

"Anyone home?" I whispered, looking up the dark staircase now that the door was open.

Nico shook his head and looked up the dark staircase also. It was tidy and smelt nice inside but so dark. Nico tried flicking the switch and cursed, stepping inside and going to the box by the door. He pressed a button and swore under his breath, his cheeks going a tinge pink.

"Forgot to top up the leccy key before work." He mumbled, pulling it out of the box.

Nico checked his watch and cursed again, fumbling with his wallet to check for cash. His hands were shaking and he dropped the wallet in his panic. He bent down to pick it up and looked at me with an apologetic smile.

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