Chapter 2

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"bhaiya, you are giving potato so expensive. This is not done. That other bhaiya is giving in so much less price than you." I argued back to the vegetable seller.

"Oh madam, I am giving only on reasonable prices. If you think that you can get it cheaper there uh then you can purchase it from there. I have no issues with that" he replied back.

I was busy in my arguments and suddenly I realised that someone tapped my shoulder. I looked back to see who is it. There was a girl.

"Yes?" I asked her.

"Aarti? Sameer's wife?" She asked me back.

I tried to recognise her but I couldn't.

"Yes, I am sorry I have not recognised you. Have we met before?" I asked politely.

"No, actually this is the first time when we are meeting. I have something important to talk with you. Can we go around somewhere where we can sit and talk?" She said smiling.

Is it right to go with her?

I mean, I don't even know her.

I was trying hard to remember that where have I seen this girl. I have seen her somewhere, this is very sure.

But I don't remember where.

After pressurizing my mind for few minutes, I remember.


This is the same girl I saw few days before with my mother in law outside my house. The one who was having a kind of fight with her.

But what does she has to do with me?

Why does she want to talk with me?

"Yes, sure. There is a temple nearby. We can sit there and talk peacefully." I answered at her offer.

"O madam, do you want to purchase potato or not?" Vegetable seller interrupted.

"Ok bhaiya, keep 2kg is in this bag" I told him giving him my vegetable bag.

I gave him money and we walked to the temple.

"You don't know me. My name is Shweta." She introduced herself to me.

"I don't know you but I have seen you." I answered her.

Her expressions changed in confusion.

"Really? Where?" She asked me.

"Few days ago. When you had come to my house. I saw you with my mother in law." I told her.

"O, so you have seen me there?" She said looking down.

"Yes but what have I not understood is that why do you want to meet me?" I asked her.

"I didn't want to meet you. I actually wanted to see you. I wanted to see what kind of courageous woman Sameer has got as a wife." She said.

I didn't understand.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"I mean that it really takes a lot to stay married with the man like him even after knowing everything about him. I initially thought that you are not aware of anything. This is why I had come to your house on that day to meet you. But unfortunately your mother-in-law met me outside of your house. She told me that you are aware of everything. You already know everything. I don't believe her because it was unbelievable. But then I thought that it is possible because you have been with him for last 2 years. And this is a kind of thing which is impossible to hide for about two years." She said calmly.

What ever she was saying, every thing was going above my head.

I couldn't understand that what she was actually talking about.

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