Chapter 6

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5 years old Vikrant 's POV

"Nanu, are you fine?" I asked my maternal grandfather.

He was very weak. He has been for so many weeks but these days his condition is severe.

He was coughing loud and hard.

He smiled at me seeing beside him on bed.

"Yes. I am fine and since you are here to comfort me, I am great." He said caressing my cheek but I knew he was lying.

His pain was so immense that it can't be described in words.

Pain of betrayal.

Pain of seeing his years of hard work falling apart.

Pain of deceived by his own daughter.

"I am sorry Nanu. I am really very sorry." I said sobbing.

"Why are you apologizing my child?" He was still smiling sadly.

"I am apologizing because you are in this condition because of dad." I was still sobbing.

He smiled and put me in his lap.

"You shouldn't be sorry for anything. You aren't big enough to understand anything."

"Who says? I am big enough to understand that how mom and dad made you stuck here. I can see how they are torturing you." I said in loud voice to show my anger.

He laughed loudly. "Who is torturing your Nanu? Can anyone dare to touch me?" He said proudly just to hide how hurt he is.

"Making you alone in your old age, taking your guards down, making a person powerless who has been most powerful all his life is no less than any torture." I said with lots of seriousness.

As soon as he heard my words, he face went stiff.

He placed his palm on my head.

"Indeed, a wound on heart really makes a child grow up ahead of time." He murmured looking me intensely.

He averted his eyes looking in my eyes intensely for few minutes.

He signed. "Since you are so wise. I would like to tell you something. No, I want to ask you for something. Will you do that?" His expressions were enough to tell me that now he is going to talk to me as if I am an adult.

"Undoubtedly. I would do everything. I shall make sure that they get same pain back. I shall avenge. I shall avenge for you, for Nazli, for everyone who suffered because them." I was extremely angry.

This anger was enough to give me goosebumps.

"That is something I would never want you to do." He said softly.

He literally couldn't get his meaning.

"Vicky. There will be no revenge. There shouldn't be any resentment. After, I am gone, there should be peace in your heart. If you can't love them then don't hate your parents atleast." He spoke as if he was ordering me but in a polite way.

"How can you say this?"

"I can because I am a father who loves his child despite being betrayed by her. Because I am a father who has always corrected her mistakes. But eventually I failed at correcting her one mistake."

He was so powerful that no one could take him down. The one who destroyed him is his own daughter.

My mother.

One who was born from him and gave birth to me.

"There is always punishment for the mistakes that can't be corrected." I said with low voice in anger having water in my eyes.

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