chapter 10

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I am really very sorry for making you guys wait so long just for this short update. I actually never knew that married life could be this hectic and busy. I really try daily to make even few minutes to write but it's not happening.

I really need to revise my timings and make it more organised to fill my all day to do list.

Let it go this once.

Please don't forget to comment. ❣️

Arihant was agitated.

Kind of baffled.

He felt as if every other person he knows is trying to convince him that he has lost his mind.

He was so restless that he didn't bother to take his car and decided to walk for a while outside of the office.

I don't see myself doing anything different from my personality.


Like always, this time also I am alright and it is others who are wrong.


Arihant was not even done convincing himself when he sees Arti with Sachin in a restaurant through the glass wall. This restaurant was one of the small branch of his hotel which was not too far from his office.

Shouldn't she be in the office?

Why is she here with him?

He could not think of anything else and burst into the restaurant.

Arihant- What are you doing here?

He ask slamming the table making Arti startled.

Arti eyes went wide in shock. She literally couldn't get what was wrong with her boss. She looks at Sachin who was startled too but not as much as Arti. She looks back Arihant and gulps before answering him.

Arti - I’m sorry, Sir, but I didn’t get you.

Arihant - I have asked a very simple question. What are you doing with Sachin here?

Arti - Sachin.

They were interrupted by the rest of the staff that was already present there. They had gone for a while to place their orders separately.

Ratan - Look guys, who has come?

Payal - I had no idea that Boss will also come. It would be more fun now.

Arihant was confused seeing everyone there as if they were having some gathering.

Arihant - Will anybody tell me what’s going on?

Ayesha- They are having a team lunch, boss.

Team lunch.

What the ****.

He looks at Arti and Sachin who were looking at each other with some awkward confusion.

They must be thinking that I am insane.

Arihant- Well, you guys didn’t inform me.

Ratan- We thought to, but since Arjun Sir came, we thought that you would like to spend your day with him.

I get that they all are having team lunch but why this Sachin is here then?

Arihant - Your presence here is a definite surprise for me, Sachin. You must have been invited by Arti.

He kind of taunted Sachin as well as Arti.

Ayesha- No, boss. I invited him.

Ayesha spoke up to stop Arihant going further because she was understanding that he was being anxious seeing them together.

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