chapter 8

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It has been more than two months since I have come to Delhi. To be frank, I had never thought that it would be this easy for me to adjust here. All thanks to Priya and Aisha mam. They made me super comfortable, not only in office but in general too. The idea of staying away from parents has always been alien to me. It's not like I am not missing them but it's strange that I am not missing them to death which I should.

'Don't feel guilty. You missed them badly in the begining. Did you not? It's quite natural for a person to go with the flow. Everyone misses family less as time goes. Accept these changes whole heartedly.' My inner voice said to me.

I am on my way to take bus for the office. Athough Priya has asked me several time to go office with her in her car but I don't want to take as less favours as I can.

I took the bus from the regular bus stop and sat on my regular seat.

Arti was sitting peacefully enjoying the view she sees daily . Suddenly, she felt a push from behind. She looked back only to find out a scroundrel who had a creepy grin on his face.

" Sorry madam there is lots of crowd here. What to do." That loafer said having the same grin on his face.

Arti somehow avoided him and sat straight on her seat again but this punk wasn't seem to stop here.He again deleberately pushed but harder.

" Sorry sorry. " He creepily apologized again.

"This time the push wasn't that hard. You did it purposely didn't you." The old man who was sitting beside Arti said while getting up. Arti stood along with him.

"Oh you old man. Why don't you keep concern to yourself only unless you want your already weakend bones to get broken." The creepy guy broadnes his chest.

" How the hell are you talking to him. Consider his age at least." Arti said in high voice after being annoyed of this guy's disrespect towards a senior citizen.

"Why are you bothering about my way of talking to him? Just pay attention to my politeness towards you." This time that scounderal tried to touch her but couldn't as the old man came in between. "Stay away from her you punk." The old man pushed him which annoyed him a lot. "This old man really wants to die." The guy raised his hand to hit the old man but was held by another's stronger hand.

Arti was not shocked but a bit surprised to see Vikrant there.

"What a great way to start morning." Vikrant yawned.

"Hero stay out of this. Leave before I change the map of your face." The guys warns him letting his hand off Vikrant 's grip.

"What's happening here is not your concern. Of course. What's happening here is definitely not my business but the thing is that I cannot told it anyone raising hands on women and old people. So apologize." He demanded.

"Do you think you can scare me." The guy scoffed. "I should have just guessed your capacity." Vikrant scratched the back of his head.

That looser tried to punch Vikrant but Vikrant not only held his wrist but also twisted it so badly. That fooI hissed in pain. "Apologize." Vikrant demanded getting him in front of Arti and the old man but this stubborn idiot. "Say sorry." Vikrant said in high pitched voice punching him.

"Sorry madam. Sorry uncle. I won't ever repeat something like this." The guy apologized before he could get smacked by Vikrant again.

"Get lost now." Vikrant throws him out of the bus.

"Thank you beta." The old man thanked Vikrant in shivering voice. "It's okay uncle but are you fine." Vikrant looked all over him concernly. "Yes yes I am." The old man nodded his head. "Please be seated." Vikrant made him sit on window seat beside a girl.

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