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"I've really enjoyed today. It's been really wonderful and-and I just feel so relieved and fulfilled."

Billie smiled and sighed almost dreamily. You smile at her even though she's looking around at the darkening sky. The small clumps of clouds scattered around are slowly drifting apart as they parted ways slowly to allow the moon to slowly rise up. The path they ventured was gravely with concrete and dead leaves from winter, which was slowly passing as the season changed to early spring.

Large lampposts placed in a pattern lit the path but the sky was still a light blue even if it was noticeably darker than earlier. As Billie turned to look at you, you were already staring with a smile as you observed how her eyes reflected the light and twinkled in a charming manner.

"I really enjoyed today too. It's been great catching up with you and, like I said earlier, I am genuinely happy for you and how much you've changed already and grown. I'm happy you're happy, Billie," You look away as a soft breeze hit your face and you inhaled before letting the air out and glancing around at the small shops surrounding you both.

You were in a small, narrow alleyway with nice brick patterns on the ground. The bricks on the ground were dark grey and shined as lights from each shop bounced off it. They were sturdy in the ground and gave a slight texture as you walked over them since they stuck out of the floor but in the best way.

The shops you both walked past were random and sold things like toys, stuffed bears and pillows, clothes, one even sold beds and couches.

"Do you want me to give you a lift since it's getting dark?" Billie offered.

"Oh, you don't have to—"

"Y/N, it's fine. I'll give you a ride. I don't want you walking alone for like twenty minutes. Please let me... just let me do you a favor. It would make me feel a lot better knowing you got home safe" Billie offered again and you smiled softly.

"And if you don't want me to know where you live or something and if that's the reason why you won't accept then... I'll drop you, like, 5 minutes away." Billie slowly walked until she stopped and you stopped walking with her.

"Alright, yeah please then. I'll give you directions when we're going. Thanks, Bil."

Billie smiles at her nickname you used to call her and she nods. It was only then you realized you were at the parking lot Billie's car was parked in. Her car looked amazing. You wondered when Billie got the car because it looked brand new still.

The drive to your apartment was fast but you had time to have small jokes and chat with her on the way. The sky had gonna darker and when you and her were stopped at a red light, it shone perfectly and the light painted her face a nice, rich, deep shade of red. She looked so good tonight. She would rub her lips together in concentration as she made a turn and you could see her sharp jawline. It was so attractive. Billie was so attractive.

When she pulled up outside your block of apartments in a nice part of L.A., she kind of stalled and prolonged conversation with you. You thought she was going to ask you for your number or something, and she did. Kinda.

"So... We've obviously both really enjoyed today. I would like to see you some time soon again. I want to know you more and better. I'll be there every Tuesday so if you want to have a repeat of today then I'm 100% happy with that and I won't mind if you interrupt another drawing session of mine," Billie laughed softly and her phone played 'SWEET / I THOUGHT YOU WANTED TO DANCE' by Tyler, The Creator at a low volume since she had bluetooth on her car.

She continued, and you listened thoroughly.

"This time I won't be expecting anything because I was kind of disappointed last time but I shouldn't expect anything from you because... you don't owe me anything."

Billie shrugged and chuckled again. You smiled and laughed with her, too.

"Yeah of course. I might be busy but who knows. I definitely want to see you again. I'm really liking getting to know the new you," Billie grew a bit flustered and her cheeks had a slight blush.

"But, yeah. This has been a really lovely afternoon with you and I really appreciate you dropping me off. I'll see you next Tuesday hopefully. See you, Billie."

You smiled one last time and your cheeks hurt from how much you had been doing that today in Billie's presence.

You got out of her car as she bid her goodbyes too and you shut the door then walked to your apartment building.


Billie had a couple friends. She liked them a lot. She's the type of person who doesn't have many friends but the friends she does have are really great people and she really likes them.

Drew and Zoe were those people for Billie. She loved them to bits. She met them not too long ago. Probably around 2 or 3 years ago and their bonds were already so strong and durable.

"Uhh... what? You're telling us you went on a date with your ex-girlfriend who you dumped around 5 years ago because you recently bumped into her and you're still not over her ass? So then you told her you changed and you've apologized about a trillion times and she tells you she really enjoyed your date?"

Zoe asked really confused. Zoe was the more 'I'm-gonna-judge-everything-you-do-in-a-joking-way-but-not-so-jokingly' friend and Drew was the more supportive 'you-do-you-baby-I-support-you-no-matter-what' friend.

Drew sits there quietly as she watched one of her best friends ramble with a massive smile about 'Y/N.' She could tell you made her happy by the way she mentioned your name instantly when they saw each other and how happy she got when she talked about you and your date today.

"It wasn't a date, but it also sorta was. But, yeah! She's so sweet and kind and caring. And she's incredibly attractive so that's definitely a plus. She's a woman now and-and she's amazing. I never should've treated her the way I did back then but... That's just how I was treated and I thought that's was how everyone should be treated and that if I'm being treated like that then I should treat others like that. It's just my... family trauma, I guess." Billie rambled.

"Yes, obviously, hun. You lived a certain way for 17 years of your life. And that certain way was negative so you've been conditioned and brainwashed, almost, into thinking that was right and there was nothing wrong with it."

Drew spoke, Billie nodding and agreeing with her.

"Totally, but I still feel shit because you always have control over your choices and how you react to things." Billie argued in a light-hearted way.

"Yeah true, but, baby, cmon," Drew squinted her eyes at Billie.

"You were abused, you were hurt and you were self destructive. You knew nothing but violence, anger, explosiveness and being on edge or high-alert 24/7. It's obviously going have an impact on you, how you think, how you act and feel, how you deal with your emotions and mostly how you treat others." Drew shrugged and shoved a few Doritos in her mouth.

"Ok, I agree with Drew completely. But, did she say it was a date?"

Billie smiled as she looked down at her lap.

"No, but it wasn't friendly—"

"How so?"

"I... Well, I complimented her a lot. I flirted subtly and-and she was really pretty so I kinda just... uhm... admired her?" Billie giggled to herself and shifted around nervously with butterflies in her tummy but then grew flustered and a bit embarrassed as she realized how she was speaking about you.

"God, come here you big, cute baby. You're such a precious baby."

Drew laughed and pulled Billie over to her so both her and Zoe could cuddle Billie.

<3 ymfp toodles

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