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The sun was a beautiful yellow and light clouds surrounded it. The medium-sized pond with flowers floating around it was lively with small fish and a few ducks. People walking in silence with their loved ones, their special someone or even just alone. People were everywhere tonight. Maybe that's because there were sales going on. Another Tuesday afternoon.

You and Billie were sat at a park bench. She bought you both vegan pastries and got you both a drink to have with it. She wore a cute outfit—a beret included and she looked so adorable.

The conversations were light-hearted and a little flirtatious if I'm being honest. Billie seemed like her love language was touch and that she craved physicality a lot. You concluded this when she rubbed your arm with her hand, when she attempted to hold your hand earlier but you kind of shrugged her off and she confronted you about it gently:

Billie and you were enjoying a nice walk to the bakery she had informed you about. It grew silent in conversation between you both but there were plenty of other conversations happening around you since people were standing around outside other shops and chatting, vaping, smoking and others were walking past you.

She reached her hand out since yours was by your side and gently interlocked her fingers with yours. You felt the action and carefully looked down at your hands and then back up at Billie. She was already looking at you and then looked down at your hands too.

It did feel nice with the contrast of her cold hands with your own warm ones. But, you weren't ready for this. You slowly took your hand away from hers and didn't miss the small pout and look of disappointment or dejection on her face as she turned to look forward again.

"Sorry, Billie. I'm just not ready for that yet. I want to be friends first and if anything else happens and we become more then it's happens but I do want to have actual proof of you changing and I want to know you better. Please understand."

"Of course, Y/N. It's no worry. Honestly, it was... yeah... too soon. I'm sorry."

It was quiet and you felt a bit bad for rejecting her but you were being truthful about how you felt. You don't mind if you and her become more possibly again but you just don't know if you're ready for taking that risk. And, you need to see that she has actually changed. You know she obviously has but you don't know her anymore.

"Well... let's go get our food!" Billie tried to lift the spirits.

That brings you to the present; sitting in a cute park on a cute table bench with a cute girl and cute food.

"Mm, this is delicious!" Billie moans out as she takes a large chunk of her cinnamon roll, some of the icing sticking to the side of her mouth and some getting on her nose because of how big the sweet treat was.

You giggled to yourself as your chewed your own pastry and took a sip of the Latte Billie got you.

"Bil, you got some... right there." You pointed to your own nose and cheek.

Billie looked up and her eyes went a bit wide in realization as she grew a bit embarrassed.

"Really? Oh god."

She laughed so genuinely and covered her mouth and nose with her other hand. You place your pastry down on it's paper bag on the table of the table-bench and lick your lips after swallowing your bite. You suck your fingers clean really quickly and rub your hands together afterwards.

"Come here," You nodded your head towards yourself. Billie's eyebrows frowned slightly and she leaned forward. You lean forward too and push her hand out the way of her mouth and nose and bring your own hand forward to wipe up the icing from her nose and corner of her mouth before bringing your finger to your own mouth and sucking your finger clean whilst making dead eye contact with her. You didn't mean to be so bold in that moment, it just sort of happened.

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