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"She will surely go meet Vikram," said Haseena.

"Right," said Salaar and called Vikram. "Plan C," he told him.

"On it," said Vikram. 

*** Elsewhere ***

Amira stopped the next car she could find on the road and borrowed the man's cellphone. She called the police station and asked for Vikram.

"Vikram sir went outside," said Pranav, "I am inspector Pranav. Is there anyway I could help?"

"No, I want to speak to Vikram sir," said Amira.

"Okay, I can give you his number. Note it down," said Pranav and gave Amira a number and Amira called Vikram and told him her story.

"Don't worry Amira," said Vikram, "Share me your location. I'll be there."

He then texted Salaar and was about to step out of his house when a man hit him on the head. Vikram looked back surprised before collapsing on the ground.

**** A little while later ****

Amira, Albert, and Einstein were waiting on the road when a police car stopped near them and Rajkesh stepped out dressed in police uniform.

"Amira?" he asked and Amira nodded.

"Vikram sir asked me to get you," he said and offered to take her with him but Amira remained reluctant. 

"Ofcourse you need proof," smiled Rajkesh and called someone on the phone. "Here talk," he said. Amira listened to the person on the other side and then looked at her guards who were still suspicious of Rajkesh.

"It's okay, we can trust him," she said and they relaxed. "I'll miss you," she said sadly and was about to part ways when Albert stopped him and pulled a piece of paper from his pocket. It has his name written on it.

"So you are Albert?" asked Amira. Albert smiled and showed her a mole on his hand that is used to seperate the twins. 

"And you are Einstein?" she asked the second brother and he nodded and smiled.

"We are getting late, Amira," Rajkesh reminded and Amira bidded her friends farewell before leaving with him.

Albert stopped the next car they could find, borrowed a cell phone and texted Salaar.


"Vikram sent a constable to pick up Amira?" Salaar said surprised. "Something's wrong," he said rushing outside, "There is no way Vikram would send someone else."

He texted Albert and Einstein to follow the car but it was too late.They sent him the car number and Salaar forwarded it to his men while he and Haseena rushed to Vikram's house. At the entrance, Salaar saw blood puddles at the entrance, his heart started beating faster and faster as he dreaded for what is to come. 

He almost couldn't take a step. Haseena had to prompt him and when he finally opened the main door, his soul left his body. Death never scared him but  this time it did because this time, it wasn't an enemy or a rival but a friend.

His only friend! His Vikram!

Salaar collapsed on the floor looking at the man infront of him. All the good memories flourished infront of his eyes. Their past, their training days, their friendship and most importantly the day Vikram found out Salaar's true identity and still decided to be his friend.

A man who smiles while playing with the fire. A sincere officer who believes in eradicating the evil in the system instead of the evil in an indivdual. The eyes which could see the god in the devil and the devil in the god have rested, forever!

"Salaar," Haseena gently shook him to get his attention. "Amira," she reminded.

"Right," said Salaar taking a deep breath, "right!" "the...the car number..." Salaar's words stuttered as his mind was still processing the grief, "....found the car?"

"Albert and Einstein found it but it was abandoned," said Sandeep, "Rajesh changed the vehicle midway."

"What....about...the CCTV footage?" asked Salaar.

"We couldn't find any," said Sandeep, "There were no cameras around."

Salaar started panicking. "Let's talk to the brothers," said Haseena and they called for Albert and Eintein who for the first time showed an emotion. An emotion of guilt for letting go of Amira!

Haseena was angry with them but now is no time.

"Tell me exactly what happened?" she asked and they wrote it down.

"She talked to someone before leaving with Rajkesh?" asked Haseena and Albert nodded.

"Do you his name?" asked Haseena and Albert shook his head. "It must be someone she knows," said Haseena. "Who could it be?" she said pacing back and forth.

"I think I know," said Salaar as he suddenly realized. (Any guesses?)

"Get Pranav!" he ordered.

*** A little while later ***

Sandeep threw Pranav on the floor.

"Where is Amira?" Salaar asked Pranav angrily.

"Rudra sir....I...don't...."

"Don't lie to me Pranav," warned Salaar, "I will destroy you and everything you love."

"Sir....trust me..." said Pranav, "I...I..did join hands with Rajkesh....he told me Vikram sir works for Salaar....and I..."

"Killed Vikram," Salaar completed.

"No no not at all," said Pranav panicking, "I only helped him get to Amira....in hopes that he would keep her safe....but he...he cheated me....and sir trust me....I've been searching for Amira myself..."

"Sir...I'll help you in any way I can...I swear on my kids....I only wanted to catch Salaar and never did I intend to put Amira in danger..."

Salaar remained silent clenching his gun.

"Rudra sir...please forgive me...." said Pranav.

"Salaar!" Salaar corrected and Pranav took a step back in shock and fear.

"And Salaar never forgives," said Salaar and instantly shot Pranav to death!

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