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Salaar sprinkled some water on an unconsious Pablo. 

"Hey!" he gently greeted when Pablo woke up but Pablo was too scared.

"No no no no no..don't shoot me...don't shoot me...don't shoot me..." he frantically said covering his face as if that would help.

"Wow," Salaar said sarcastically and turned to Haseena. "Some help?" he asked.

"Step aside," said Haseena.

Salaar stepped aside.

"5 feet away," Haseena demanded.

"Really?" said Salaar clearly feeling disrespected, "Doesn't that seem a little too excessive."

"5 feet," Haseena emphasized again.

Salaar signed. He looked around to see his men's reaction and they immediately looked away pretending to not hear or see anything.

"Am doing it for Amira," Salaar declared before stepping away.

"Hi," Haseena greeted Pablo. Pablo slowly removed his hands from his face and opened his eyes.

"Wow you are so beautiful," he admired, "Are you single?"

"SHE IS MY WIFE," Salaar angrily shouted. Pablo almost got scared to death. Salaar's men took a step back out of fear. Sandeep moved closer to Salaar in case he needed to stop him from killing Pablo.

"Sorry, I had no idea," Pablo apologized in a barely audible voice. "Do you happen to have any sisters?" he asked hopefully and hell broke loose.

"I will kill this bastard," Salaar angrily leapt forward and Sandeep had to use all his strength to stop him.

"Please Salaar bhai...for Amira...for Amira," he reminded. Salaar shook Sandeep off but maintained his composure and looked away to stop himself from killing Pablo.

"Focus on the issue at hand," Haseena told Pablo, "What's with this box?"

"Oh right," said Pablo, "I am supossed to exchange this with another box."

"That's it?" asked Salaar, "No test to check our legitimacy?"

"My uncle told me some crazy test before dying but I don't remember shit," said Pablo.

"Unbelievable," said Salaar rolling his eyes.

"Are you really disappointed that things are easy?" said Haseena before turning her attention to Pablo, "Where's the box?"

"Uh....if you promise not to kill me..." said Pablo, "I'd like to confess that the keys are with the dude who works day shift."

"Where is he?" asked Haseena, "Do you have his number? address?"

"He went on some hiking trip," said Pablo, "Left his phone at home...but he should be back by 5am....which is 2 hours from now....so..." "Feel free to have the drinks..." said Pablo hoping that would compensate.


Sebastian was randomly wandering at night when he heard a shy 'hey' from the back. He turned around to find Amira.

"Oh Jesus, it's you," he said relieved. "Where have you been? Everything okay?"

"Yeah," said Amira, "Nothing too bad."

"Did Rajare do something to you?" asked Sebastian, "Was he really mad?"

"I..uh..he swapped me with one of the house maids," said Amira.

"Really?" asked Sebastian surprised, "Why?"

Amira knows exactly why but chose to remain silent.

"Not sure," she said, "Maybe my family didn't own him much money."

"Yeah you definitely didn't look as miserable as the rest of us," said Sebastian, "Atleast you don't have to get the tatoo now."

"Yeah.." said Amira awkwardly, "You...look angry..."

"Am not," Sebastian, "Am just jealous. Do you know how many people would die to get this lucky?"

"I am not lucky," said Amira offended, "I have my own problems."

"Still one less than the rest of us," said Sebastian, "Your priviledge has blinded you enough to not see it."


Salaar's men looked at Sandeep and at the bar counter as if asking for his permission to eat and drink. Sandeep gave them a nod, because truth to be told, they've been hungry and sleepless for almost two days now. He also poured himself a drink and picked up some snacks and alcohol for Haseena and Salaar.

"This will do," said Salaar taking the snacks and refused the alocohol. So did Haseena. Salaar opened his packet and offered some chips to Haseena.

"Looks like you got yourself too involved in the role of my husband,"  she said taking the snacks.

"You started it," said Salaar, "Besides, I was protecting you. That dude is terrible at flirting."

"Uh huh," said Haseena, "and who is good at flirting? Rocky bhai?"

"Well.." said Salaar thinking, "It's possible. Reena bhabhi adored him with all her heart."

"Really," said Haseena genuinely interested, "What did he do for Reena?"

"Kidnapped her," Salaar said instinctively for that's the first thing that struck his mind.

Haseena was shocked beyond words and Salaar immediately realized he should've phrased it better.

"And you admire him like god?" Haseena asked angrily.

"But the context is that..." Salaar tried to explain.

"Just stop," said Haseena frustrated and walked away.

"Oh come on," said Salaar throwing hands.

"Women right," he heard a voice from behind. It was Pablo. Salaar was previously angry at him but now his frustration for Haseena dominated his anger.

Pablo sat beside him and gave him a coke can.

"So, what's the problem?" he asked.


Someone knocked on Meeramma's door at night and she was plesantly surprised when she opened it.

"Ree," she said happily hugging her husband.

"Akkare," said Rajkesh lovingly, "How are you?"

"Wonderful, now that you are here," smiled Meeramma. "Have you eaten anything?" she asked, "Let me get you something...."

Rajkesh held Meeramma's hand to stop her.

"Let me spend time with you, Akkare," he smiled, "before my brother wakes up and drags me into the ugly world."

Meeramma smiled and they sat down to cuddle.

"So...how's the kid doing?" Rajmannar asked Meeramma after a while.

"Actually....." Meeramma hesitantly began to narrate what happened.

SALAAR- The devil's promise (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now